10: New life?

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Moving into Aizawa's apartment was a questioning thing. We set some ground rules, and somehow Aizawa was stern with me getting home on time. He told me not to worry with work as much and that if I was going to live with him I might as well use some of his money to live off.

And so I went to school not much after.
My small absence had people look at me, though I shrugged it off and told nobody the whole truth (except for Hound Dog lmao).

I got to my job and greeted my coworker with a grin.
We got along well, and we worked most shifts together so we had enough time to bond.

Before six I was at Aizawa's and got dinner. He left around seven to patrol and I made my homework.
Today I finished early and went outside.
Aizawa might be stern, but I was stubborn.

One of Aizawa's cats accompanied me as I took a small stroll trough the neighbourhood.

Suddenly Kaminari found me.

"I thought you lived all the way on the other side of town?"

"I moved." I said honestly, hoping Kaminari wouldn't question it further.

This led to him wanting me to show my new place.
Fortunately I escaped the situation.

Maybe living with Aizawa had it challenges because Kaminari wasn't leaving this alone, but it was good.
As I got home I sat on the couch and watched a show.
Aizawa's cat sat next to me, purring as I stroke it's black fur.
It was great.

The end.


Hey hey!
That concludes this story! I hope you enjoyed it.
If you did, go check out my other stories!

I'm working on more stories, if you can time travel go check those out as well lmao.
I might make a part two, comment if it's needed cause it'll motivate me (I don't publish while writing the first draft by the way, it helps me getting a better story line).

Have a great day/night,


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