7: Free day?

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My day off was spend at the cafe—

I suddenly got a call from Kaminari. I frowned as I looked at the number. He had asked me to give my number in case something important happened, like the bus not driving since we took the same one.

As I excused myself for a second I found the break room and sat down.

"Hey, me and some others are handing out today, would you like to come?" Kaminari sounded trough the phone.

I almost sighed out loud, "No thanks, I'm busy."
That was the wrong thing to say.

"Didn't you say you were going to have a day off? What are you busy with?" Kaminari asked confused.

"Work." I decided I couldn't pull a lie, it wasn't hard to guess where I was, after all.
"And I am having a day off, from school, that is."

"Oh I see, that's almost funny."

I blinked and looked at the ground, "Almost? Not completely?"

I heard Kaminari pause, or well, I didn't hear anything for a moment as he paused.
"Alright, maube it was but you've worked enough. You need a day off as we all do!"

My coworker urged me to hurry and I rolled my eyes, "I gotta go, don't call me for stupid things, please."

"I'll see you later then."
With that Kaminari hung up. He didn't sound disappointed, as a matter of fact, he sounded like he had a plan.
I ignored it though as I put my phone away and hurried to apologise before continuing my job.

The door opened to signal more costumers and I finished cleaning a table before glancing over.
Some UA students of a certain class 1A sat at one of the tables. Kaminari waved at me with a grin on his face.
I turned around to take a breath before I turned to the small group.

"What can I help you with?"

"Oh!" Mina said in surprise at seeing me here, "____ You work here?"

Ignoring the (rather obvious) question I send a small glare at Kaminari before Bakugo started listening orders.
Kirishima added some things and I once I went to get the drinks I gave my coworker a look of please switch places.

All I got in return for my work was an ugly glare.
"It's my turn at the bar, go do your job."

I sighed and glanced at the table. Did they hear my coworkers barking?
As I brought back the drinks, Sero spoke up.
"Do you work here often?"

"No," I lied, "But I don't suggest visiting while I'm here." I again gave Kaminari a glare, though his grin seemed to widen.

"It's a nice cafe," Mina said as she looked around, "It's cute."

I simply nodded before I turned around. The cafe was getting more full by the second.
While I rushed about the place some more people came to help. I was surprised to see someone call in early today and was told I could stop if I wanted.
Being tired, I snuck out the back and hoped the group of students wouldn't see me leave.

Stepping out of the street, almost immediately they found me.
How good I was at sneaking.

"You're done with working!" Kirishima said cheerfully, "Let's hang out!"

Kirishima joined the enthusiasm while Mina cheered them on. Mina turned to me though, "It's rather late though, if you want you can sleep over, we'll be at Kaminari's place."

The group talked about everything and nothing as I tried my best to get out of hanging out. Of course Kaminari didn't take no for an answer and my excuse for not walking past my apartment simply sucked.

"I'll just walk up, get some stuff and get back." I told them as I opened the door.

"We'll go with you!" Mina declared but I shook my head.

"Oh come on, why not?" Kaminari asked with a sad frown.

I sighed tiredly, why did I have to deal with these people?
"Here, I'll take Bakugo—"

"Why me?"

"Because he won't get lost randomly." I held the door open and Bakugo walked in.
The elevator ride was quiet, though I ignored the awkwardness and walked to my apartment door.
"Stay here." I ordered before I opened the door. I didn't open it far, making sure Bakugo couldn't see much inside the apartment.
There were some beer cans lying around, my mother had thrown some clothes around and a plate lay broken near the door to the kitchen.
With a sigh I walked to my room and grabbed my small backpack. To look less prepared for a night out of home, I waited and gathered some money and extra things.

I got out and got a look, was I quick still?
Fortunately it didn't take long before we reached Kaminari's place. It was a nice rather big apartment and Mina suggested we should try make up.

"No—" Sero started but Mina insisted.

In the end, much to Mina's despair, we ended up playing a game.
I won a few times to many and Bakugo got angry. I just shrugged and told him to level up his skills.

After a we got sleeping places ready and we're finished with a small pillow fight, Kaminari's mother came with hot chocolate, because that's simply a necessity in life.

I laughed at Sero when he put his coca away and grabbed a pillow to hit Bakugo from behind.
When the clock hit midnight we decided to call it a night.

Just like that I fell asleep with a comfortable smile on my face.

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