5: Tired

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When I came home late in the evening I realised the amount of homework I actually had. I sat down and ended up putting my head in my arm as I scribbled something with the other.
It took me ages before I had one thing done in my tired state before I moved on to the next.

Then suddenly I woke up—
The sun shone at me as my alarm clock blared trough my small room.
I turned it off and yawned widely, looking at my homework blankly before deciding to grab some coffee.

My mother was in the kitchen, muttering some song lyric with a rather blank smile on her face.
I moved around her and got some breakfast while I was there already.
Not to my surprise we had nothing. I sighed and decided to buy something on the go.

"Oh—" my mother noticed me, "I stole from you~." She said teasingly with a wink before she walked away.

I stood there with the fridge still open before I sighed and pushed it closed hard.
As I closed my eyes I felt tears trying to squeeze trough, so I blinked a few times and swallowed back the forming lump in my throat.
I was going to get trough this.

As I gathered myself I heard some thudding coming from my mothers room before I heard the alphabet being chanted.

"Fucking shit?" I wondered before I walked to my room. I looked trough my stuff, finding a bit of money scattered around. Lucky me, mother had stolen a lot. I wondered if she was making sure she'd be satisfied for a while or had bought something expensive.
As I gathered what I had left in my head, I decided I should skip breakfast. I could eat lunch later, lunch rush made good and cheep white rice, a good comfort food.

At school I felt the effect of no breakfast as I walked into th classroom. My lack of dinner as well, I realised as the room spun slightly. My vision got some black sparkles before I sat down and the effects got less.
I was more than glad I had no hero training today.

Aizawa started homeroom and I stared down blankly, my head not functioning.
"The homework for today..."

Oh, I didn't finish it. Great.

As Aizawa walked passed me to get it, I pressed my lips together, "Slrry." Was all I managed before I felt like crying. Aizawa's glare was scary, okay?

Fortunately he saved me the lecture and moved on.
The rest of the classes weren't bad compared to that, at least I had finished art history.
Before I could eat lunch, Aizawa found me walking to the cafeteria.

"A talk." he said sternly as he motioned for me to follow him.
Midoryia glanced at me in alarm, though I gave him a shrug.

"I'll see you later." I muttered before following Aizawa to his office.

Being there was sad, I decided as I looked around at the many documents and folders. I hadn't expected to enter this office at all.

Aizawa sat on his desk chair while I sat on a separate chair.
"I don't do this often, but I'm offering you help."

I blinked in surprise. Aizawa indeed didn't seem like someone who would grant other some help, "Why?"

Aizawa sighed and told me he was going to be honest, "You're slacking off and look more and more depressed by the day."

Knowing the truth of me not brushing my hair enough these days I nodded, "You've got a point, what help are we talking about?" My voice was businesslike as I tried to hide my relief. Aizawa wasn't going to expel me just yet.

"How about instead of working you stay at school so you can have time for homework, today." Aizawa suggested and raised a finger when I opened my mouth to protest, "And you won't miss out on money, I'll pay you whatever money you'll be missing on."

I closed my mouth tightly, knowing that accepting help was the best option.
"Alright..." I mumbled, "Just this once."

When I stepped out of his office at long last lunch time was over. Just my luck, right?

This time when I walked into the classroom the world spun again, though more than before.
And this time, I didn't reach my seat before I had to clutch a desk.

"You alright?" Bakugo asked as he looked at me. He himself already was sitting as I hung onto his desk for dear life.

"Peachy." I muttered as I looked up at my seat.
Just a few paces.

"You're pale though..." Bakugo mumbled, "You lying?"

"Always." I said before I took a breath and moved onto my seat.
When I finally sat I cheered on the inside.
Praise the gods! I wasn't moving and so not dying!

Afternoon classes were a bother as always, though the small victory after lunch lasted for a while.
Finally it was time to go home, though I stayed back and with Aizawa's help finished all my homework.

I managed a small relieved sigh as I closed my last book, "Thank you." I said. This probably meant more than Aizawa would know.

When I walked out the door, once more the room spun to much, making me feel like I was losing my balance.
I clutched the doorframe and leaned slightly as I started feeling sick.

"What's wrong?" Aizawa said— demanded, I concluded as I carefully turned to him, my head spinning more and more.

His glare told me to spill it already.
"Nothing." I said.

"Not nothing, you look like you're about to faint."

"So?" I muttered as I turned away, "I didn't eat for a while, but I'll buy something on my way home."

"When was the last time you ate?" Aizawa asked, less angry now.

I shrugged, "Not that long."

"You're lying." Aizawa concluded, "Let's see if lunch rush has something lying around."

With a sigh I let go of the door, "I'm fine now," I said annoyed, "Really, I should go home."

"And you're not going to faint while going home? I don't buy it."
Aizawa gestured for me to start walking.
Biting my cheek I knew Aizawa was just looking out for me, though it was quite annoying.

The UA kitchens were raster big. As Lunch rush paused with washing the dishes, he asked Aizawa what his business was. He sounded confused of seeing the sleep deprived hero here, and I didn't blame the cooking hero.

In the end Lunch Rush decided he should make a full meal after figuring out I didn't eat for more than twenty four hours.
Of course I sat down tiredly and ate while Aizawa sat close to me, doing some paperwork.

I looked at my phone and suddenly got a notification. My hunger seemed a lot less when I found the landlord had raised the rent.
Why was I this unlucky? There simply couldn't be this much misfortune in one's life!
But here I was, so I ate my food, thanked the heroes and left.
Tomorrow was a new day, and I'd make sure to work harder!

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