4: Emotion....ugh...

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Maybe I should.

Those were words of hatred, I decided. Hatred for a selfish reason, I shouldn't leave me mother all alone. She was my mother.

"Thank you." The person in question gave me a tight hug, some yen in her hands.
We stood outside of the apartment and I pulled back to look at her.

"I gotta go to school now."

"You ought to work more." My mother mumbled, looking away.

Maybe I should...?

"I've got to go now, I'll see you." I said in a small voice.
My head swirled with thoughts, making it almost hurt.
The bus drove me to school while I wondered if this is what people called toxic? Maybe it was, though it seemed unlikely I was that one out of many people to have to deal with such a thing; a toxic relationship.

At school I went trough classes as per usual, I answered a few questions right, aced a small test... it was alright.
Still my thoughts were distracted.

Finally hero training came.
This class All Might had some combat training again.
As we trained a little I let myself go a little. The opponent, someone by the name Kirishima, got fired up.

"Let's give it us all!" He said as he got his quirk ready. It was a hardening quirk, acting as a shield around his skin.

I threw small bits of my quirk at him, making him feel some pain here and there. It distracted him while I did my best to throw and dodge punches.
Suddenly All Migth appeared behind me.

He raised his hand and I flinched.
Suddenly Kirishima's legs gave out and the familiar blank feeling filled me.
I glanced at him and realised I had put my full quirk on him.
With a sigh I let the pain return to myself.

In the meanwhile Kirishima was starting to fall unconscious while All Might stood frozen.
"You scared me." I mumbled softly, knowing I was probably in trouble. Maybe I'd get thrown out like mother wanted me to.

"Yes—" All Might forced himself to act, "Someone— Iida, as class president, take young Kirishima to recovery girl."

I kept my face blank despite the growing feeling of having failed.
Fortunately All Might understood and let me off with a simple detention. He himself had had times where he lost some control over his quirk and that detention he'd help me gain more control. How nice.

Unfortunately, Aizawa heard.
He addressed me in the middle of the very next homeroom class.
A bruise was on my face already and I gripped my pencil, chanting in my head that nothing would happen at school.
When Aizawa stopped talking was when I relaxed again. I realised I hadn't been paying attention, and the class was waiting for my response.
"Yes sir." I mumbled.

"Very well," Aizawa sighed and continued class.

When I walked home once more, I looked down at my phone. Mother had messaged me, something about guess what? Money. The taxes were overdue and if we didn't pay them soon it would be bad so she wanted to 'borrow' some money again.

"I payed them yesterday!" I called out suddenly as I kicked the bin I walked passed. I threw my phone against the wall stood next to before I calmed down. Taking a breath I returned my emotions back to the back of my head.

"Whoa." Someone said in surprise, or was it amazement?

I felt my eye twitch as I picked up my phone. I glanced at who it was and it was Kaminari, the one kid from class.
Without a word I left, hoping Kaminari wouldn't follow.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he ran up to me and went to walk next to me.

I gave him an annoyed glance, "Probably not— but I don't have time to deal with it."

A frown covered the blonde's face, "Are you sure? It's not healthy to bottle stuff up."

As I clenched my phone a sharp pain suddenly went trough my hand.
Letting out a curse I looked at my hand, the broken screen had cut my hand. Just my luck.

"Oh— let me help you." Kaminari said as he took the phone and grabbed a tissue to stop the bleeding.

As we stood there I glared down, "I'm going to be late for work."

"You've got trouble with money?" Kaminari asked more curiously than concerned.

I sighed and in my annoyance I told him, just to get it off my chest, "My mother waists all her money on drugs and alcohol."

"Yikes." Kaminari mumbled as he finished with my hand. He looked at my phone and pulled the screen off.

"What are you—"

"Don't worry!" Kaminari held up his free hand, "It's a protecting layer, all you've got to do to fix it, is replacing it. You can still use it this way without injuring yourself."

I blinked in surprise. He was helping me, why?
"Thanks." I mumbled as I took the phone from him and turned it on and off.

"Where do you work?" Kaminari asked as we started walking again.

I put my phone in my pocket and told him about the café. Kaminari was a good listener and walked with me towards it.

When we said goodbye, my coworker walked outside.

"You're late!" She called out with frustration, "That's the fifth time already!"

"I'm aware." I shot back, my tone monotonous once more.

Kaminari looked surprised at the sudden change in tone, though he took his leave when my coworker hurried me inside.

As I moved trough the busy cafe I realised I felt better. Maybe being social had its perks? I almost let out a snort, as if. Nobody likes being social, right?

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