1: Quirk test...? Testing my patience.

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As you may have predicted, if you read the title... quirk test.

That was the first thing UA threw at me after the entrance exam. No introductions, start of year ceremony, but a quirk test.

How glad I was to start immediately. No sarcasm, I was!
As I stretched a little before we begun, the homeroom teacher, Aizawa finished his long speech.
He had wanted to say that life wasn't fair and an opening ceremony wasn't necessary, stuff like that.

"What a cheerful speech." Someone huffed next to me.
I glanced at the blonde, a black streak went trough his hair.

"He's got a point though." I mumbled monotonously, my father on my mind. Not a day could go by without me wishing I wouldn't have been the one to find him.

The first test was a run.
I couldn't really use my quirk— it wasn't adequate for athletics, I was only lucky to have brought a support item to the entrance exam to help me with the robots.
I got second out of the small group I raced against still, I had been training for this since I was six, my parents watching proudly.

Every test seemed to go alright, but I didn't really stand out anywhere. I knew though that someone else didn't use their quirk either.

Fortunately I got some good scores unlike him, so I was sure I wouldn't be last. Aizawa might have been serious about expelling the one that came last— though I think he was lying so no worries, right?

The last test was throwing a ball.
The one kid I expected to get last place revealed his quirk.


He got one of the highest scores, breaking his finger in the process.
How amazing, I was probably last.

We gathered for the points and immediately I looked at the bottom of the list.
'Izuku Midoryia.'
Not my name!

My name was above that one. A sigh of relief filled me until Aizawa said he was indeed lying. That was when relief actually hit me.

When I went home shortly after, Aizawa stopped me though.

"Your score was low."

I deadpanned.
What a compliment, no self doubt, appreciate the love.
"Yeah?" I hoped not to show any emotion as I spoke.

"Your quirk worked on humans only, right? Causing them to feel pain." Aizawa didn't show any emotion either, "Why didn't you use it to take out the competition?"

I looked away, "It felt like cheating, and I calculated... Midoryia would be last anyway."

"Still you looked nervous." Aizawa pressed.

With a sigh I rolled my eyes, "Ever heard of self doubt? Anxiety?"

This made the teacher pause. Of course he didn't know how teenagers worked.
"If it gets in the way of your studies I suggest seeing the school counsellor." Aizawa mumbled.

Had I expected more than that? Maybe more concern, I don't know.

"Okay..." I said before I turned and left. Looking at my phone I sighed. I was going to be late for my job now. How amazing.

As I took a bus to my hometown I looked at the news. All Might had always been a question mark for me. He was a good hero— useful and quick— though I think he also was... kinda idiotic. I couldn't wait to get classes from that guy. Yes, that was sarcasm.
Looking at his newest interview I sighed. They should fix his look on the world. Big villains were one thing, but monsters existed elsewhere.

Like my head— don't go there.

When I reached the small café I worked, I took the door to the back and greeted the one coworker I had a bit of a bond with. He gave me a small smile before he walked back in front, having found what he was looking for. I quickly put on the uniform and turned of my phone before I went to help my coworker.

"So when we're you going to tell me you went to a world famous school?" My coworker, Hatsu said with a small excited grin as he cleaned the bar. I rolled my eyes and gave him a small smile while I grabbed a towel and went to polish some metal.

"I think I told you." I said, playing dumb though my tone stayed monotonously. I tried to use more tone this time though.

"Oh?" Hatsu went to tease me, "You think? Is your memory worsening even more?"

"My dyslexia makes me horrible at spelling... not remembering." I turned to him, "Though compared to you I'm good at both."

This made Hatsu chuckle as he went to clean some glasses. It took a while before the café filled with people. Fortunately for me most of the people here weren't my age, meaning nobody from the new school I'd be going to would find me here.
As I walked to an older couple to get their order, they started conversation. My eyes glanced at the window outside where of course I managed to catch someone waving at me.
I nodded slightly before quickly finishing conversation before I sneaked away after moments. Walking outside I found my mother.

"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry for disturbing you—"

"You need money?" I asked monotonously once more.

The look that took over my mother had me wish to slap myself. Why even ask, of course she came here to lend more money.

"Just try not to buy more drugs." I told my mother before handing over some yen. As I walked back inside I ignored Hatsu's questioning look and smiled at some people, taking their order.

Only when I got home did I realise how stupid I was.
I looked at my knocked out mother on the couch for a moment before putting done my heavy bag and walking towards her.
I grabbed her wrist and only started breathing when I caught a heartbeat.
As I grabbed a pillow for her head, I put a kiss on my fingers and pressed my fingers on my mothers forehead.

"Be sure to wake up." I mumbled meaningfully before I left to my room.
What a day.

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