6: Rescue training

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Having my homework finished left time to work an evening shift. The manager was only to happy as it was a busy night.

After work I walked home, enjoying the more quiet vibe my town gave. A car drove passed and I stepped aside, realising they weren't paying much attention.
As they swerved on the road, I looked around. Not many people were looking out.
Summoning the urge to kick something (which wasn't hard), I shot my quirk towards the driver.
Very suddenly the car pulled the brakes, stopping in the middle of the road.
I looked around a little, feeling like I did something wrong. Nobody stopped to look as the car stood still.

My head told me to move on, to stop staring at the car, but I didn't.
Instead, my feet suddenly walked towards it.

What was happening?
Much to my dismay I could guess.
I tried to stop, but I couldn't, I was walking to the car without any control over myself.
When I was at the window I stopped. The reflection of my face stared back at me, blank and emotionless.
Slowly the car window rolled down.

"How rude to use your quirk on me." My mother said as she leaned back in the drivers seat, "The one time I'm half sober— jeesh."

I stood there, knowing my mother wasn't fully sane still. Just like me now, I liked to imagine my mother to not be in control of her actions.
"Sorry." I finally said.

"Say, I'll be home late." My mother said with a grin, "Gotta hang out with some peoples."

"Alright... I'll be waiting." I said in a small voice. Her hanging out with people meat her coming back home drunk.
"I'll see you at home then." I said. My mother nodded and rolled the window back up.

The car drove away, leaving me to stand in the middle of the road, confused and somehow scared.
As I took a breath I turned sharply and got off the road, knowing a car would hit me if I didn't soon.

Once home I found I had some free time. It wasn't that late yet, but I went to bed anyway. Sleep came quick, though waking up did so as well.
I sat up as I heard a thud, the darkness of my room contradicting the usual early sun.

My mother was coming home. I sat there listening to what she did. As she put her stuff away, threw stuff on the ground, I hoped she would go straight to her room.
When she did I sighed in relief.

At least one thing luck granted me.

Nothing much special happened for a few days actually.
Of course my mother occasionally was a bother, and homework started stacking up again, though I spend a lunch at the end of the week in Aizawa's office as he helped me out with homework.

Finally the weekend came and guess how I spend the day?
I worked my arse off and got payed. Yey.

It seemed like I was getting my life together again. Maybe it wasn't the way I had expected, but I was going to school, earning enough money and I wasn't physically dying. The help was just a small difference, but I could suffer it. Or I mean— my ego could.

The next week was something I had been looking forward to a little.
The USJ trip.

It was nice to sit on the bus and talk to the other students a little.
We arrived though, and I got serious. Time to train for becoming a hero!

We walked inside the dome building, looking over the different natural disasters. There were things prepared like a shipwreck, a fire, landslide... all sorts of situations a hero must be able to handle— so they can save people.
The pro hero Thirteen explained this all, mentioning the dangerous side of our quirks. Of course I knew what she talked about— my quirk had the ability to kill if I don't watch out.

While Thirteen talked, I looked passed her. That's why I was the first one to notice, "There's villains." I mumbled. Aizawa notcied as well and immediately grabbed his capture gear.

"Those are real villains."

I sighed my disappointment. We already had a lot of combat training, I wanted to do rescue training. Or maybe I shouldn't see this as training.

As the students tried to take their leave, some purple smoke stopped them. It told them who they were (classic villain talk) and that his job was to scatter the students.
I blankly looked, knowing that my quirk wasn't very useful. The smoke couldn't feel much and if I couldn't find his main body— if he had one— I was practically quirkless against this villain.

As we all got swept up by the mist, I suddenly found myself thudding on the ground somewhere.
Around me seemed to be the landslide. As I got up, the ground suddenly froze and I jumped away.
"Watch it." I told Todoroki, though my mind was distracted by the villains he froze.
One villain seemed ready to charge at him, so I hurt them a little, them losing balance, making it easy for Todoroki to freeze them.

As Todoroki interrogated the villain I watched over the USJ building. My eyes found the plaza, where the fountain looked about as dead as Aizawa. The villains were after All Might, Todoroki gathered and j sighed. Clearly the villains hadn't gotten the memo, All Might wasn't here.
Stepping back I glanced at Todoroki, "Aizawa's loosing, lets give him a break, cover me so I don't die."

With that I released a big part of my quirk. The villains around Aizawa all fell over, stumbled or even fainted before I regained myself and took a sudden breath at the sharp return of pain.

"Whatever you're doing, hurry!" Todoroki sounded and I shocked up, finding him fighting a rather tough villain.
I tilted my head and they stumbled and Todoroki froze the villain.

We again looked down but suddenly some black monster charged at Aizawa.

I tried, but, "My quirk doesn't work against the brain thing."

Todoroki nodded, "Then stay back and don't die."

With a sigh I realised it was smarter I wouldn't step in the way. Instead I let Todoroki help Aizawa as he struggled.
Looking around I found other areas and went to help other students.
I found Jiro, Kaminari and Yoayorozu. They were fighting a bunch of villains so I froze the most dangerous one.
As Kaminari got thrown towards him (?), he let out an electric shock and the villain got fried, it seemed.

Fortunately before long all of the villains in the area got defeated. About then was when All Might showed up.
Time seemed to move faster as All Might defeated the black monster. Before long more pro heroes showed up and the students gathered at the front.

I glanced around, "Where's Midoryia? Aizawa? And Thirteen?"

A cop who was talking paused at my question and I looked away. Not my turn to speak, I see.
The detective though, informed us that Aizawa and Thirteen had suffered some injuries and would recover in a hospital. Midoryia and All Might were at Recovery Girl for their less bad injuries.

Just like that the day was over, leaving me annoyed that my first real rescue training ended up like this.
While I walked home, Kaminari insisted we walked together.
I didn't mind the bit of company, the day had been long and I doubted I was functioning a hundred percent alright.

When I reached the cafe, Kaminari looked at me weird when I stopped.
"You're going to work?" He asked with ridicule.

"I need the money." I shrugged, "I'll see you... whenever Nezu decides to start school again."

Kaminari glanced at the cafe thoughtfully, "You really can't rest for one day? You always look tired and it's been a long day."

I gave Kaminari a small smile, "I'll be fine, maybe tomorrow will be off, then I can rest."
Fortunately I had convinced Kaminari and he moved on, leaving me to clock in early.

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