3: Dont leave me?

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One of Aizawa's cats jumped on the bed. I looked at it and it looked back. With a sigh I looked away and let it sit on me. As it purred I petted it a little, glad for the little bit of company.

When I woke up the next morning I didn't bother with breakfast and took a bus to school, leaving a note for Aizawa that I was gone.

At school I managed to finish my homework before Aizawa walked in to start homeroom.
Somehow I was less tired that day. Maybe it was because I fell asleep rather quickly. I had to admit, being away from my mom meant I felt lighter, safer.
As I went trough class, I noticed that I got my work done more easily and my focus was better.

At lunch Midoryia asked me to sit with him and two others from our class. I thought it nice to talk a little, though conversation never was my strongest suit.

Finally school ended. Before I could go, Aizawa found me.
"You're going home?" He asked monotonously.

"No, I've got a job, but after that, yes." I said, just as monotonously. It seemed a funny conversation to watch in my head.

"Well you're allowed to go to my apartment anytime," Aizawa said, "Stay safe, kid."

I nodded before I walked on. Off to work, yey, note the sarcasm.

As I did, I was surprised to find Hatsu. He waved at me as I walked in.
"Guess how I'm spending my free day?" Hatsu asked rhetorically, "You look tired, thank god I'm here."

I managed a small smile before I walked towards him and out my head on his chest.
Startled he gave me a hug.
Without a word I stepped back and went to go about my work as usual. Hatsu fortunately gave me a bit of a break.

At the end of my shift I got another hug from Hatsu.
"Here's my number in case you need someone." He said, "And try not to overwork yourself."

I nodded and offered him another smile, this one far easier than it was at the start of the shift.

When I got home though, my mother wasn't on the couch. I sighed and got to my room.
Putting my bag down, I closed the door and turned to my bed. I paused.

My mother sat there. Her hands on her knees, her face staring down at the floor.

"Mom?" I whispered.

At the sound of my voice my mother looked up. As far as I could see she wasn't drunk, high or anything like it.
Slowly she neared me before she put a hand up to my hair.
Softly she petted my hair while I stood there confused. Sadness filled me at seeing my mother's grieving eyes.

Suddenly her fingers snatched my hair and pulled hard.
A cry off surprise and pain escaped me as I was forced to move my head.
"You fucking piece of shit." My mother hissed in my ear as I reached up to pry her fingers out of my hair.

"Let go." I pleaded.

Her grip only got tighter before my mother pulled her hand away.
"Don't leave me." She said in an almost familiar type of stern voice. The difference from her voice now was it seemed lost.

I held my breath as I stared at my mother for a while. Fortunately she just huffed and left my room.
When she closed the door behind her, my legs gave out.
I didn't make a sound as some tears escaped my wide eyes. My lip trembled as I realised how scared I had been.

'Don't leave me'? Maybe I should.

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