Chapter 2: Attack on Madrigal

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        All the adults were sitting around a table playing a card game when the tv started talking, A man with very short hair and a black looking trench coat says something on the tv when a kid walks up to it to listen to what he was saying "  But rather then pay a fair price for our precious deuterium the UNSC leadership on Reach seek to enslave us." "New deal" a older guy with his silver hair pulled back into a bun said "Yeah let someone else deal the professor has sticky hands" a girl wearing the outpost gear says. " You saying I cheat" "I'm saying you don't wash your hands" She said sarcastically  "My hands are filthy with the blood UNSC marines" He says firmly. "Speech, Professor, Regale us with one of your war stories" she says with a bit of a laugh. "I've got scars older then you" he says again firmly "things I've seen" both of them say at the same time. He looks at her with disgust and throws down the cards on the table to each person as she chuckles at him. The guy on the tv is still going on about the UNSC.

" They've repeatedly sent legions of marines and their super weapons, the Spartans, to crush us. But war need not be the answer. And that is why Jin Ha has sent me and trusts me to negotiate an end to this endless war."  Vinsher Grath says on the tv. " Turn that shite off" the older man says. "As the Bard once wrote, "Wise..."" the tv was shut off, " Vinsher's a fool, but he is a dangerous fool, giving people false hope. His peace talks will fail, and the UNSC will come at us with everything they've got. You mark me." the older guy says with a Scottish accent. "You mean Spartans"  the young boy says sitting across from the older man. " have you seen a spartan up close before" the little bit older woman says to the young boy, "I've face marines" he says while putting his cards down on the table, everyone starts to laugh, the older lady mocks him saying " I've faced marines, one spartan is worth a hundred marines" " Ah but Djanka,  there's another difference between Spartans and marines." the older guy says " mmm" Djanka says "Marines can be killed". The younger guy laughs, making eye contact with the older guy who isn't laughing, He is looking straight at him with no expression. The older guy keeps going with no remorse and with a hard look on his face "Spartans aren't human. They're faster, stronger, smarter. They cannot be stopped. They just keep on killing...without mercy...till there's nothing kill." He says while throwing his cards down one by one.

The poor young guy is just left there sitting with a worried look on his face, the older guy sits there looking at him and then smiles, "you in or out". Everyone in the bunker starts to laugh, Jin ha comes walking in with his hood up and with no expression on his face, "Jin ha!?" the older gentleman says. "Tell our young one here, The General knows, either Madrigal is free or its not, there's no middle ground." he finishes saying. "Everything okay, General?" Djanka asks Jin Ha. " Where's my daughter?". " Probably out wondering.....with her friends, you know Kwan." Djanka tells General Ha. 

Kwan was out running up a slight hill with her friends, " Slow down Kwan". " I didn't sign up for this" another one of her friends say as he groans walking up the hill. "I am completely shanked." Kwan says to her friends who finally made it up the hill and are crouching down onto each other for support. " this better be worth it, Kwan" one of her friends says to her, "Less talking, more looking, Cara" Kwan says as she is crouching down to slide down the hill. Kwan's friends follow her down the hill all crouching and sliding down the small hill. "Look, if the General finds out we left the outpost....." Cara started to say " What my father doesn't know wont kill him" Kwan interrupts Cara. Kwan started to look around and went behind a rock, she saw a magic plant called Madrigal, what the planet  was named after. She ran back around the rock a little " Told you I would find it" Kwan yelled as Esso comes running around the rock and kneels down with Kwan, "Madrigal, the galaxy's highest concertation of heavy hydrogen, power your ships and power your drugs." Kwan says smiling and looking back at Esso who was smiling along side her. Kwan finally pulls the plant out of the ground and shows everyone. She comes around the rock to see all of her friends standing waiting for a piece. " This is why you have to stay, Kwan, to find shit like this." says one of her friends with medium black hair. " Too bad for you, as soon as I find a way, I'm getting off this stupid rock." Kwan says looking around the place they were at. " Where will you even go, Kwan? The UNSC owns the galaxy." Cara says to Kwan as she stands there looking at Kwan, Kwan turns around to look at Cara " She's not going to leave, She'd miss us to much" Esso says looking at Kwan as she pulls the small nut looking things off the plant she pulled out of the ground. 

   She put the small nut looking seeds in her palm as her friends take one for them selves, " Doubters first" Kwan says "yes, Yeah" Cara and Faaz says in unison. "See you on the other side" Kwan says while smiling at all of her friends. They all dink their seeds together and everyone except Kwan ate theirs, Kwan hears something behind the trees that were surrounding all of them, she then starts walking towards the sound, "Kwan, where are you going?" Cara says to Kwan who was still walking away from the group. " Off to plan her escape." Neru says. "How long before this kicks in" Cara asks everyone " My brother says its pretty quick" Neru says. Kwan walks farther away, she can hear in the distance her friends yelling at each other laughing and running around while tripping on what they ate. As Kwan started making her way down a small hill, she could hear distance explosions. She walks over tree branches and makes her way closer, she sees a cave with lights flashing out of it. She looks up on top of the cave to see a space ship, She starts to freak out and ran back to all of her friends, who are now all tripping hard of the Madrigal plant seeds. As Kwan is running down the small hill she just walked down to get to the small cave, she hears her friends all laughing together "Guys! Wait!" Kwan yells at all of her friends who some are sitting and some are standing. "Knew you would come to play" Cara says to Kwan as she is running towards all of them "Hey your face is glowing." Neru says. Kwan turns around slightly as she is breathing very heavily. "Kwan, Where have you been" Esso asks Kwan who is visibly shaken up and scared.    

 " We need to get back to the outpost." "Why? What's going on?"  "There's a ship out there." Kwan says scared. "UNSC?" Cara asks Kwan while sitting down on the ground. Everyone starts laughing, Neru starts to run towards where Kwan just came running from, "Neru, no, I'm serious!" Kwan yells at Neru while trying to grab them. Faaz started to run with Neru " Come on, Faaz!" Kwan continues. Kwan grabs Faaz by the arm and pulls her back away from the woods. "Kwan....." Faaz started to say. Faaz got her head blown off by a shot of plasma. Kwan looks up the small hill with blood all over her face and body, she screams as Esso was shot flying him back on to a tree. "ESSO!" Kwan screams, Neru and Cara grab Kwan to run away making their way up and down the hills, they could see these tall things running after them, shooting at them. Cara was making her way up a small hill as her leg was shot off, she fell screaming but then was exploded by the plasma. Kwan ran around where she was killed, slid and hid behind a small rock, dodging the plasma, She grabs a red flare out of her bag, pulled the safety seal off and pulled the handle. A red flare shot up to the sky, a boy saw the flare from the outpost with his binoculars.     

(I will continue this on a second part this already has over 1,400 words lol, Just so everyone knows this chapter and the next will probably be the only ones that are strictly from the show, after this, it will be a little here and there from the actual show. These parts I want to give you exactly from the show so you can understand the mission they are going on and what madrigal thinks of the Spartans since you are one. I'll update the second part of this soon (: Enjoy)  

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