Chapter 4: The object

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     I look at the little girl who is laying unconscious on the ground, I sigh, picking her up in the process. I walk to the ship that me and Master Chief will be taking to get to Reach, I assume. I waited for Master Chief to get to the ship, I lay the girl down on a bed we had in the medical bay. I didn't know what was going to happen to this girl but hopefully we can take her to Reach and find a safe place for her. I sat waiting in the main hatch on the ship, Master Chief then walks onto the ship carrying the object in hand. "Chief? I laid the girl in the medical bay and locked it until we know exactly what's going on." I told Chief as he kept walking and sat the object down on the floor, "Thank you Y/N, Now we head towards Reach." Master Chief says in a firm but calm voice. He walks over to the main hub of the ship and takes off, after a couple seconds he puts the ship on auto pilot. I was sitting close to the object, not noticing I was staring straight at it, Master Chief walks over, "Second in command." Chief said. I shot my head straight over to Master Chief, "Oh ah...." I look back at the object which is in a briefcase. "Y/N?" Master Chief says moving closer. 

    It was like I was in a trance, looking at the briefcase, Master Chief finally comes over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder which snapped me out of whatever was going on. I looked up at him confused " Oh ah Chief.....I'm sorry." I say as I look down at the ground,  He sits down next to me, looking at the briefcase also. "Look, I get what you are doing. We had kind of the same reaction but mine....I think it was memories I was seeing. What happened to you when you blacked out? Did you see anything?" Master Chief asked still looking at the briefcase. I started to think back earlier that day, "All I can remember was feeling this overwhelming sensation go through my whole body, then everything went black. Next thing I remember was waking up on the ground." I finished as I looked back up at Master Chief. We sat there looking at each other for a couple seconds. At Reach Dr. Halsey was looking the clips of what Master Chief was seeing in the cave on Madrigal. You can hear the intercom say "Admiral Parangosky: Access granted." Parangosky comes walking in and walks straight up to Halsey "A hundred and fifty dead civilians in Madrigal is not a good look for your Spartans, Catherine, even if they were rebels." Admiral Parangosky says to Dr. Halsey in a harsh tone. 

      Dr. Halsey looked straight at the Admiral "The Covenant wiped out an entire rebel garrison before Silver team could intervene, we saved one. 1-1-7's bringing her in." Halsey said back to Admiral Parangosky. Admiral looks down shaking her head " One survivor's not going to make my job any easier. The security committee is already looking for an excuse to cut your funding, Dr. Halsey." She says in a firm and harsh tone, "John covered something on Madrigal, I think it might be covenant related." Halsey said "We will add it to our collection of objects" Admiral says as she turns around to walk away. "No, no, no, no." Halsey says to the Admiral, "This....This is different. This is something I've never seen before" "We have been fighting these alien creatures for years, and we still don't know how to beat them or where they are hiding." the Admiral says in a very firm and harsh tone "Command on Earth wants answers, if the object can tell us anything about these creatures, I'm sure the committee's concern about the dead rebels will go away." She continues. She looks at Halsey again "One more thing, we want a friendly face to talk to the survivor,  Miranda Keyes knows Madrigal. I have reached out to her to reach out, Is that going to be an issue?" Admiral asks Halsey "No, but the Madrigal object will come straight to me for first analyses." "Alien tech is Miranda's division." Admiral says in a questioning way. " But John found the object, it belongs here with me." Halsey says. Admiral Parangosky walks over to a medal closed door and looks through the small window, she sees what it appears to be a cloning pod, she turns around and looks at Halsey who walked up behind her worried about what she was seeing "I have told you that this was a nonstarter." Admiral says with an angry tone. "We have paused the active development." Halsey says to not get caught in what is illegal "You have paused nothing Doctor." Admiral says angerly. 

     "Catherine, your genius has given us a lot to be thankful for, channel that into something that is appropriate and legal. Get rid of it and any others you might have, Do I make myself clear." Admiral Parangosky says angerly and firm. " Clear." Dr. Halsey said disgustedly "I have given you a long lead Doctor. Don't hang me with it." Admiral says while walking towards the door and walks out. 

      Master Chief and I were sitting down with each other, looking at the object in the briefcase. Kwan woke up, she got up and went over to the door and started banging on the door "Hey! Anybody! Please!" Kwan yells, A hologram appears of Miranda Keyes. "Kwan..." Miranda says in a calm voice, Kwan turns around to look at the hologram " How are you feeling?" she continues. "Who are you?" Kwan asks Miranda, Miranda stands there for a couple seconds "I'm Miranda Keyes, I'm talking to you from the UNSC base on Reach." Miranda says and pauses "I'm so sorry for your loss Kwan, despite their differences, we respect what Jin Ha tried to do for Madrigal. I'm not a politician Kwan, I spend my time trying to understand the creatures that attacked your outpost. You're planet isn't the first to be attacked by the Covenant forces, and sadly won't be the last. If we all don't join together, I don't know how we will stop the Covenant forces. You could be the one to help us with that." Miranda finishes saying. I was sitting there looks through the glass into the medical bunker, "Chief?" I ask Master Chief who is now just standing close to me, about arms reach. He turns his head around to look at me, "What are we exactly doing Chief? I mean doesn't seen a little odd to you that for the first time UNSC wants to bring a survivor to them? They have never asked us to do that before." I ask Master Chief while looking down at the ground, but Master Chief doesn't answer he just stands there. "Right. Sorry Chief for asking." 

     Kwan gets up and starts to slowly walking over to the hologram of Miranda "What do you mean?" Kwan asks Miranda, "If you would just upload a few words telling the other colonies what you saw and what the Covenant did to your outpost, and the fact that the Spartans are helping to fight these creatures, I think it would go a long way to put aside what ever these politicians are fighting about and help focus on the real war at hand." Miranda says while smiling. Kwan looks at Miranda with a disgusted face " My father spent his life trying to free us from you guys.....until the day of this murder. How could you ask me to....." Kwan was Kwan got angry and got up into hologram Miranda's face "No, no, no....Its a great idea, yeah let's do it. What if I told everyone that the UNSC sent Spartans to attack us...." Kwan said, Miranda looked horrified "That's not true." she said looking at Kwan who was inches from her face now "They killed over hundred innocent people, and then kidnapped me to force me into saying what you guys want." Kwan said in an angry but with a upset tone. "Kwan the whole thing was recorded." Miranda said to reason with Kwan, "You guys can make a video look like anything. I've seen your Spartan propaganda broadcasts.....You think the colonies wouldn't see through that? When they hear my version of everything, you can forget unity or whatever you are trying to do. Those other colonies are going to run as far as they can from the UNSC." Kwan finishes saying. Miranda looks at Kwan in disbelief "What is it do you want." " Independence for Madrigal, that's what my father wanted to that's what I want as well. Yeah." Kwan says with an angry with tears welling up in her eyes. "Get some rest, I'll see you on Reach" Miranda says with a smile and disappears.  Kwan looks down and wipes a tear falling down her face and walks over and sits down in a corner.       

(Sorry for the long chapter, I will have to continue this chapter in the next part. This one is already pretty long lol, I will continue this part and post it soon :) Thank you for reading)

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