Chapter 4: The object part 2

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     I finally get up from the bench where the object was, I realized Chief was acting weird ever since he touched that object, what ever it is. I look over at Chief "Hey Chief?" I say to Chief who was walking over to the door to go into the medical bay, He stops and looks at me "Are you okay?" I ask him in a worried tone "I don't know" he answers, I nod my head as I look down at the ground. We heard Dr. Halsey's voice come in "Dr. Halsey, status report" Halsey said, "Returning from twenty- three Librae, planet Madrigal, with one survivor and Y/N." Master Chief says looking over at me, I look around listening to Dr. Halsey, I then notices Chief looking at me and my face started to get red and feeling warm. I immediately put my helmet back on trying to hide my face, "Okay well how are you feeling?" Halsey asked. Master Chief looked down "I have seen images, I think they are memories." Dr. Halsey paused "and these images, you are sure they are memories." Halsey said nervously. I looked confused and thought to my self "Why is she so worried about his memories coming back. Unless she did something." I immediately looked at Chief. 

     Chief and Halsey kept talking about the memories and how there are some changes. Chief then walks to the door and hears banging, the door opened once Chief got closer to it. Kwan stepped back and he walked in, he went to check his vitals. "is this your way saying you don't feel well?" Kwan asks, Chief looks over at her "Yes." he says in a monotone voice. I walk over to the door and walked in, immediately looking at Kwan. "Who are you" Kwan asks me, I took my helmet off and looked at her. She took a step back "Wait, your a girl?" asking confusingly. I looked her confused thinking to my self "What? Why is she confused about me being a girl?". "Um yes?" I said in a confused tone, Chief looked over at me " Let's go" he took his arm out of the machine that took his vitals, right before we left Kwan asked if there was any food on the ship. Chief and I looked at each other and took her to get food, I was sitting next to Chief who looked very dazed even with his helmet on. "Aren't you guys going to eat?" Kwan asked us, "No" Chief and I said in unison, Chief and I got a message through our helmets so I put mine back on to see the message. It said Article 72 Terminate Kwan Ha, we look at each other "What's your name?" Chief asked "Kwan...Kwan Ha" Kwan answered back. Master Chief looked back at me and got up, I got up with him and we nod at each other. We both walked away, "What are we going to do Chief?" I asked him, He looked at me "We are going to do everything in our power to not have them kill her." Chief answered back. I took my helmet off " Chief, do you know what that means. Are we really going to disobey orders like this, It could end back for the both of us." I looked at Chief scared. Chief finally took his helmet off "I'm not going to let them kill her." 

     Chief and I ended up staring at each other for a couple seconds before he walks up to me, Still with a tariffed look on my face, he looks down at me " I won't let them hurt you either." Chief said in a very calm and sweet voice. I blush hearing him say he would basically protect me from the UNSC "Chief...." I said, he then places his hand on my cheek and smiles at me which made me blush even more then before. "Let's get her to safety" he says, I nod, he then turns around and disables a panel on the ships walls, he then puts his helmet back on, within a couple minutes the air in the ship started to go down causing me and Kwan to pass out from lack of oxygen, I started to go down but Chief noticed and caught me before I hit the ground "Y/N!!" Chief yells out, also noticing Kwan was out cold. He started to realize UNSC knew what he was up too. Within seconds his oxygen in his suit started to go down making him weak, he then collapsed, he was able to regain consciousness and was able to get the oxygen up in the ship and in his suit, I woke up confused on what happened. Kwan shortly woke up and grabbed a gun and pointed it at me and Chief, I backed up and went over to Chief " Uh Chief." He turned around and looked at Kwan "Kwan you have to listen to me" he put his arm in front of me and lightly pushed me behind him. I look up at Chief thinking to my self " Chief...". Master Chief kept his arm behind him protecting me. "Why should I listen to you, You tried to kill me." Kwan yells "It wasn't me, I'm trying to take control of the ship." Chief says calmly. 

      Master Chief reaches his helmet, we hear a pressure release, he removes it. "Chief!? What are you doing!" I yell at him, he just looks back at me " Its okay." he says reassuring me, I just nod. "If you want to shoot me, then you will have to aim up here." Chief said to Kwan, Kwan just looks at him in shock, she lays the gun down and kicks it to us " Then what's the plan?" she asks, I come out from behind Chief and grabs the gun, I walk over to Kwan and hand her the gun " We take the ship over, If we go back to UNSC, they will take you off the ship and execute you." I say to her, she looks back up at me in shock " What?".  Chief starts to mess with the ship again " Y/N show Kwan what to do." I nod and show Kwan how to get control, Kwan cant release the control, she grabs her gun and shoots it. After shooting the controls it released the auto drive, Chief looks at us and nods but it was to late we landed " Uh Chief what do we do now?" I ask in a terrified voice. He looks up at me and then looks at the object, he walks over to the object " Master Chief!! What do we do!" Kwan says. Chief bends down "CHIEF!!! DON'T!!!" I yell at him but before I could pull him back, he touches it. I pass out falling to the ground " Y/N!!" Kwan yells, Chief gets sucked into the object causing him to have memories once more. The object sends out a wave of energy causing the ship to power up and causing everything else to shut down.                   

      Everyone looks around, one guy says "What happened?" the object lets out this massive shock wave that powers the ship but knocks out all the tech in Reach. Shortly after Master Chief lets go of the object "Y/N!" Chief yells and comes over and lifts my head off the ground. I wake up slowly, blinking my eyes rapidly trying to get my eyes to adjust, I look over at Kwan and then to Master Chief. I shake my head lightly and put my hand to my head "Master Chief?" I said quietly "Yes? Are you okay?" Chief asked "Yeah......I think so." I replied. Master Chief nodded his head "Can you get up? We got to go." Chief said "Yes, I'll be fine, go.....Get the ship out of here." I said back to Chief who got up and ran over, piloting the ship out of Reach.

    (Thank you to everyone who is reading this book, It is near and dear to my heart and I'm so proud and so very happy to be making this for you guys! Please like, comment, and star, It would mean the world to me! I also can't believe my book is number 238 in ranking and freaking number 2 in FemaleXReaders. Thank you so very much for reading! Until next time. BYE BYE!!! (: ) 

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