Chapter 11: Enemy

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   As I was running to warn everyone, I fell after feeling a sharp pain in my head "Ah!" I screamed as my eyes turned into a bright ice blue "Y/n!" Kai yelled running towards me. My mind went blank, I couldn't see anything. I could hear Kai yelling my name but I couldn't move or talk, I then ended up feeling a breeze and hearing birds. I slowly opened my eyes to see a beautiful planet but the planet was different, it was a complete circle "Omg, where am I?" I said out loud "You are on my world..." A voice said, I took a deep breath and turned around, I was shocked to see a girl about my age with blonde pixy hair, I had a bad feeling about her. 

   Everyone on Eridanus II was getting attacked by the Covenant forces, Master Chief told some soldiers to stay with the Artifact. He walks out and sees that I'm on my knees slumped over "Y/N!!" Chief yelled, he started to run over to me but Kai and Riz held him back "No Chief, don't touch her." Kai yelled. Chief stopped and abruptly looked at Kai "And why not?" Chief asked sternly. Kai let go "Because...that's why." Kai said pointing to the Covenant ship shooting a bright blue beam down on me. Chief took his helmet off "They are going to take her..." Chief said as his eyes narrowed "I'm not going to let that happen." Chief said putting his helmet back on. Chief looked back at Kai, and Riz "And don't even think about stopping me." Chief said running towards me. 

   I was still on this girl's planet she said "Who are you." I said sternly, she just smiled "I'm the Blessed One, Makee." She said giving me an insane look. I sighed as I was snapped back into my body, my eyes went back to normal and I began to stand up when I heard a voice "Y/N!" the voice said getting closer 'I know that voice...' I began to think as I turned around "Chief!" I yelled but noticed a bright blue light around me "Oh shit..." I said jumping out of the light before it took me with it. I rolled and landed on my knee, I looked at the ship and saw the same girl that I saw on that planet. Chief ran up next to me and grabbed my shoulders looking at me "Are you alright?" Chief asked frantically. I nodded "Yes, I'm okay." I said grabbing his forearm. I took my helmet off for a brief second before an explosion happened right in front of me and Chief causing us to get thrown, As I was flying through the air, I managed to get my helmet back on before I hit the side of a cliff, and I grunted. Chief was also thrown, he landed on his side. I landed face-first on the ground, I tried to catch my breath "Damn that hurt." I said standing up and grabbing my side. I looked up to see an army of Covenant forces, I took a deep breath "This is not going to be fun." I said grabbing my gun from my back. 

   The Covenant forces started to run towards all of us "Let's kill these bastards." I said running towards them, shooting. Chief was still trying to get up but was having trouble. I was fighting when I heard Chief through the helmet grunt from pain, I immediately looked around trying to find Chief, and I soon spotted him getting attacked by multiple Covenant soldiers "CHIEF!" I yelled running towards him, dodging and fighting as I went. I finally got to the Covenant soldiers that were attacking him, killing all of them "Chief..." I said putting my hand on his back, He looked at me as he took his helmet off. I looked at him "Chief no put your helmet back on. We are in the middle of a fight." I said frantically, but the look he gave me was so hypnotizing. Without me realizing it until it was too late, he took my helmet off as well. He looked deep into my eyes as if the world was in slow motion. I looked back into his eyes as he lightly grabbed the side of my neck, passionately "Chief..." I lightly said as he leaned in slowly, giving me a passionate kiss on my lips. I was shocked at first but then gave into the kiss, kissing him back.

   We heard Kai clear her throat, snapping us out of whatever just happened. I looked at Chief "We need to fight before we die too." I said putting my helmet back on and running towards the fight, Chief did the same and followed. I began to shoot while fighting the Covenant forces, Chief, Kai, Riz, and Vannak followed close behind. The Covenant forces were too much and we started to get overtaken, Chief was supposed to stay with Keystone but since he left, the Covenant got the Keystone and left. I put my hands on my knees to catch my breath, Chief walks over to me and puts his hand on my lower back "Are you alright." He asked looking down at me, I lightly smiled and looked at him "Yes, I'm okay." I said standing up. The rest of the group jogs over "So what do we do now." Kai asked looking at Chief and me. I look to John "So what do we do Chief?" I asked looking towards him, he looked at us all "We need to get back to Reach, we will figure it out then..." He started to say but as we were about to leave, he spoke up " three take Halsey's ship, me and Y/n will take her ship back." Chief said looking towards me. I looked at him and blushed, remembering the last time we were on a ship alone. 

    Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Plz, star, comment, and like. I would really appreciate it. Well, Until Next Time, BYE BYE!!! :)

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