Chapter 2: Attack on Madrigal part 2

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One of the people in the outpost said "I don't know, they should have been here by now", The guy that saw the flare quietly said "Kwan ha." and began to run to the other side of the wall, looked down and yelled "Red flare! Flag General Ha!" A young boy who was sitting around on the ground with some of his friends got up and ran to the bunker where Jin Ha was, he opened the door "General Ha! Red flare, north of the outpost!" the young boy said breathing heavily. General Ha quickly got up "Seal the Pipes! Get your weapons!" Everyone got up and ran to get their guns and other weapons out. Everyone was running rapid through the outpost, Mothers and children were running to safety as the men grabbed what they could to protect the outpost. Vehicles were driving around the outposts with machine guns attached to them. "Spread out!" General Ha yelled, Kwan was running as fast as she could to get back to the outpost, she quickly turned her head around to see if anyone was following her but didn't look back around fast enough and jumped right off the small cliff that was there, she screamed but landed on her feet and rolled standing back up to continue running. "stay low! stay low! stay low!" said the boy who was playing cards earlier. Kwan was still running to the outpost doors as they were closing.

"Kill the alarm! Stand by!" General Ha yelled as he was holding onto one of the machine guns that were attached to the trucks. Kwan and some others that were outside the walls of the outpost came running in, "Papa, Papa!" Kwan yelling at General Ha as she was running. General Ha and Kwan started to speak their native language Korean. General Ha looked at Kwan and asked  "UNSC?" and Kwan said "It's not UNSC Papa". General Ha looked up as the explosion hits the main gate and said "Do your job!" Kwan starts to run to get all the woman and children into a vault. "Get in line!" General Ha yells. "Come, Come, Come!" Kwan yells at everyone to get in the vault. Kwan gets in last and closes the doors and barricades the door with a metal pipe. She looks out the small grated window that was on the door to look out, She could see everyone around the metal gate, her father, General Ha standing on the truck with the machine gun in hand staring at the closed gate. Gunfire from the top of the outpost started going, explosions hitting the top of the outpost. 

The gate was then blown up, in a cloud of smoke, they could see what the UNSC called The Covenant. They start to come through the gate, weapons in hand, in Korean, General Ha says "What in Gods name....."  everyone starts to fire at the aliens. The Covenant wasn't happy and started to fire back, they started to kill everyone super fast. More and more of the Covenant started to jump the outer walls. They had a force field around their body's that the people couldn't shoot through. Kwan was watching all of the unfold in front of her, looking worried and scared a little boy comes up to her "What are those things?" "I don't know what they are." Kwan says to the little boy in a worried tone. The truck General Ha was on comes barreling around but one of the aliens body slams it to the ground causing the truck to flip and pining General Ha to the ground, " Papa!" Kwan yells. She runs towards a ladder leading to the roof of the bunker breathing heavily after seeing her father get pined to the ground by the truck. "Where are you going!?" the young boy asks Kwan, as Kwan was only a few meters off the ground says "I have to go, I have to help!", the young boy stands there worried "Are we going to die?" Kwan stops and comes back down the ladder, " No, of course not" Kwan says reassuring the scared young boy, "We're warriors, aren't we?" "Yeah" the young boy says confidently. 

"Stay put, I'll be back, okay?" Kwan says as she goes up the ladder, she gets to the top of the building and sees everything that's going on, one by one people are being slaughtered. A guy comes running over to the bunker "Let me in! Let me in!" he yells but a alien got to him and plunged a plasma sword straight through him. The alien then rips open the bunker doors, everyone started screaming, but the alien then starts shooting everyone killing them all instantly.  Kwan is running , she finally meets up with the older guy that was in the bunker playing cards. "How many are there?" He asks Kwan, but Kwan was to focused on the shooting and explosions going on. "Kwan!" he yells at her, "I don't know" Kwan finally answers. "But they have a ship" "Holy mother of god, It's all true" He says with a worried and confused look on his face, "What, What's true?" Kwan asks "I thought it was UNSC propaganda" He says while shooting his gun. "A ship!" a man said "UNSC!" another person says. They all look up to see a ship flying over head, after a few seconds they see something coming down and landing on the ground. It's Master Chief, He begins to look around finally we all jump down, I jumped down close to Master Chief as Kai lands on top of the outposts walls and Riz and Vannak landed on the ground but a little bit farther away from me and Chief. He looks over at me and nods, I do the same. " Silver Team, Engage." Master Chief says and starts moving and attacking the aliens. 

I start moving and shooting all the aliens I could see, I then see Master Chief getting surrounded by the covenant warriors, " I'm coming Chief" I said through the helmet. I start running toward him shooting the aliens helping Master Chief as he went. He looks back at me and nods acknowledging my help. I nod back " Anytime Chief" I said to him as he went running to kill the covenant warriors. " Spartan!" General Ha yells while taking a couple shots at Master Chief. After Chief finishes killing one of the aliens, General Ha looks at Master Chief and nods, Chief does the same back to him. "Taking over watch" Kai says running down the ledge of the outpost wall. "They're helping. The Spartans are helping!" Kwan says in a happy voice. " I never thought I'd see the day" the older man says to Kwan, "They're on our side now?" a lady that was there with Kwan and the older guy. "So they are" he says firmly "So let's fight!" he yells and gets up and starts running. Kwan gasps as the other lady gets shot and killed, Kwan starts to run. Vannak starts walking around killing every alien he could see " Clearing north quadrant" he says through the helmet has he shoots a couple of aliens but his weapon runs out of ammo so he picks up a metal poll and starts beating the aliens with it. Vannak kills one by beating it to death while the other one he pierced through it stomach. 

Riz ran and hid behind a truck that was turned onto its side " Elite cluster, West quadrant". I hear Riz say, "On my way Riz" I say as I start running to her position. As I was running to her position I got surrounded by the covenant warriors. " Team I need help, I'm getting surrounded" I say in a worried tone. Master Chief looks around "On my way, stay where you are." Chief says as he starts running towards you. "well kind of can't, Chief" I say in a sarcastic tone. I look down at my weapon to see I have no ammo. I start getting shot at "AA" I yell as my force field around my armor start to rapidly depleting. I see Chief come around a corner " Get down now Y/N!" Chief yells as he jumps and starts to shoot down every alien around me. He lands in front of me and kills the last one, helping me up and looks down at me " Get to cover and try to find something as a weapon" He tells me in a calm voice, I look up at him and nod "Yes sir", He runs off helping the other members of the team.      

(I hope you liked the continuation of Chapter 2: Attack on Madrigal. Please like, comment and star if you like the story so far. I'll be updating the next chapter soon maybe tonight or tomorrow after a medical appointment (: Thank you for reading and I hope you have enjoyed the story so far (: )                 

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