Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Johnnie's POV:

Juliet's gone. I hope not for long. How am I supposed to take care of a newborn by myself. She's not answering my calls.

I walked over to Sophie's crib. She looked up at me and I picked her up.

"My sweet little baby girl." I snuggled her.

I grabbed Soph's blanket and wrapped her up. I put her in her car seat. I had to go to the store to stock up on formula since she won't be getting breastmilk. It's not like Juliet had boobs anyways.

I started to despise Juliet.

I opened and closed the door to the apartment. I walked down the hall to Bryan's door. I knocked.

"Hey, uh... Can you come to the store with me?" I asked.

"Why can't Juliet?" He asked.

"I'll tell you in the car."

Bryan quickly put shoes on. Sophie already fell asleep in her car seat.

We walked to my car. Bryan decided to drive and I sat in back with my daughter.

"Everything will be okay, baby girl. I promise. Daddy'll take care of you." I told her.

"Johnnie.... Did Juliet leave you?" He asked very sad.

"Yes. I don't know and I don't know how long. Or even if she's coming back. I- I can't do this by myself.. She's wicked. She thinks she got it so hard but I'm the one stepping up."

"I'm sorry, man." I understood.. He had nothing to say.

-skipping the rest of the car ride-

I pulled Sophie and her car seat out. I carried her into walmart with me. I put her up onto the cart. She laughed.

We drove the cart to the baby isle. There was an older mom who was seriously pregnant with three other kids with her there too. I walked over to the formula but I didn't know what to buy..

"Excuse me ma'am. I know I sound stupid.. But, my girlfriend left me and I don't know which formula to buy. I have plenty of money.. I'm sorry.." I asked.

"Similac.. How old are you? I'm sorry you just look so young I can't believe you're a father."

"I'm 16... No wait... I turned 17 a week ago. I can't believe I forgot my birthday. She's just a newborn."

"She's so precious," she touched Sophie's face. "What's her name?"

"Sophie." I said firmly.

"Pretty name for a pretty baby."

I grabbed like 15 cans of Similac and threw it in the cart. Bryan was over in the baby clothes place. I walked over to him. Sophie cooed when she saw Bryan. I picked Sophie out of her car seat. I held her and made sure to support her head. We were looking at baby clothes and even throwing some into the cart.

Then I saw her. Juliet with her mom. Juliet noticed me and the baby and stared at us for a second. I walked very fast towards her making sure not o disturb Sophie's peace but Juliet ran off before I could talk to her. It made me really sad. A baby needs her mother as much as her father.

We proceeded to checkout. I don't even want to mention the total. Sophie looked really calm in her little seat.

We went to the car and unloaded.

*30 minutes later*

Sophie's screaming. I have to call my mom.

Mom answered. "PLEASE COME OVER." I yelled then hung out.

I held Sophie in my arms trying to shush her. I gave her her binkie.

Fifteen minutes later my mom walks in.

"Johnnie, she's just hungry." She takes Sophie into her arms and she quiets down. Mom made her a bottle and fed her while I watched.

"A+ you've changed her diaper. I was worried you didn't." She told me.

"Well, duh. It's either that or smell poop. Ew."

She handed me my baby back.

"Can you stay the night, mom?" It's been a few hard nights and I need some sleep. Just this once?" I asked.

"Of course." She kissed me on the cheek. I put Sophie into her crib and I sat down.

God I wish Juliet would call me.


Two chapters one day you're welcome

This chapter was written by me Hannah yolo swag at 3 am

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