Chapter 7: Uh Oh

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Juliet's POV:

*3 weeks later*

"Juls, wake up. Time for school." Johnnie told me. I groaned.

"Are you dropping out today?" I asked opening my eyes.

"Yes. My mom is coming today."

I kissed his luscious lips. I got up and went to the bathroom and was getting myself ready for the day.

"BRIAN?!" I screamed.


"Will you drive us to school in the morning?" I screamed.


After I got ready I sat down at the table and made myself a huge bowl of cereal. Bryan and Johnnie were gone.

"Happy birthday, Juliet!" They yelled as they came out of their hiding places.

They sat a huge cake in front of me. "Make a wish." Johnnie told me.

I made my wish and took a huge bite of cake. It made me sick.

I ran into the bathroom and started to hurl.

"Juliet!" Johnnie screamed after me.

"I'm fine. It was because it's too early for cake. Let's go to school."

Johnnie, his mom, and I walked into the school. They walked straight towards the office and I walked to my locker.

Cat was standing there.

"Where's Johnnie?" She asked me.

"He's in the office. He's dropping out."

She made an 'O' with her mouth.

"You stink, Juls." She told me.

"I threw up, okay? I'm fine. Do you have any perfume I can use?" I asked.

"Sure." She pulled a bottle out of her bag. I spritzed myself all over.

I saw Johnnie and his mom leaving.

"Johnnie!" I called after him.

"Juliet!" He said being dramatic.

"I love you." I told her.

He told me he loved me too in sign language and walked out the door.

I returned to Cat's side.

"Ready for class?" She asked me.



After school I saw Bryan's mustang in the parking lot.

Bryan popped out of the drivers side. I walked over there.

"Hey, can you take me to the store? I need to get something." I asked him.


He drove me to walmart. I needed get some more toothpaste. Bryan and I got out of the car.

"Hey, I need to grab some food. Meet me in the food section when you're done." He told me.

I walked into the store and headed to the pharmacy section and grabbed the toothpaste. I passed the tampons.

I'm late. I'm late. Oh, no. I quickly walked over to the pregnancy tests and grabbed two of them.

I put them into my basket and I walked over to the food section to find Bryan.

Someone tapped my me. I turned around to see Bryan standing there with his mouth open.

"Pregnancy tests?" He asked me.

"Yeah.." I said ashamed.

"What..? When..? How..? Juliet?!"

"We did it once. After he took me to the mall. I was so happy. And we just did it.. He didn't use protection because he didn't have any. It was both of our firsts. And I don't even know that I'm pregnant, I'm just late on my period." I told him.

"Johnnie got some!" He laughed.

"Not funny. I need to take these before we leave." I told him.

"Okay, but I'm going to wait in the car." He told me.

We went over to the register and I placed my stuff. I tried to pay but Bryan insisted.

After I payed I walked straight to the bathroom.

I quickly peed on the first stick. I didn't look and I pushed more pee on the next stick. I waited 5 minutes before looking at the tests.

I looked at the tiny pink plus signs. I started to cry. Most girls get cars for their sixteenth birthday. I get a baby.

"I have options." I told myself. Then I remembered I can't kill my baby.

I walked out of the Walmart bathroom quickly. I was bawling. I walked towards the exit crying harder. I walked towards Bryan's car and I completely lost it. I jumped into the front seat and Bryan already knew. "I'm so sorry..." He told me. He was tearing up.

"Take me home. I need to tell Johnnie."


*skipping the car ride*

I got out of the car, trying to get a hold of myself. I opened our front door.

"Hey, you." Johnnie said as I entered our door.

"Hey, hey. Why are you crying? We got a birthday to celebrate." He told me.

"Johnnie...." My voiced cracked.

"Yeah?" He asked me getting concerned.

"I'm pregnant." I told him.

Johnnie stood there in shock for a second and then he grabbed Bryan's keys and stormed out the door.

I fell on the couch, having a complete panic attack. Worst birthday ever. Johnnie doesn't want me or the baby. I'm a horrible person. I shouldn't of ever had sex. I'm a slut. He hates me because I'm a slut. I've ruined his life.

I fell asleep on the couch. I didn't need all this.

I heard the front door open and Johnnie step in. He walked towards me.

"Do you hate me?" I asked.

He held up his index finger. I sat up, about to scream at him.

He got down on one knee and pulled out a beautiful ring.

"Juliet, I want to be here for you and the baby. I don't want to be a deadbeat dad like your dad. I should of used a condom. I wasn't prepared to have sex, we shouldn't of even had sex. But, we did... You got pregnant. I wanted to do this, but I wanted to be older and I wanted to get know each other better. This speeds everything up." He told me.

"Juliet, will you marry me?"


Uh oh. What did Johnnie and Juliet get themselves into?

Did Johnnie do the right thing?

Is this to fast?



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