
"All right, you got everything?" Logan questions, squinting at my suitcase and backpack at my sides.

I swing my backpack around to hook a strap around my arm. "I have everything." I confirm.

Logan doesn't look like he believes me, so I give him a wide, stupid smile. It makes him snort and turn away to shut the trunk of my car. We—obviously—couldn't take his motorcycle and Delilah's little punch buggy definitely wouldn't fit us all, so we resorted to my car.

Of course, I still hate the idea of my little brother driving my car—especially with how recklessly he does it—but I let it slide since he's basically been letting me sleep on his couch for the past couple of weeks.

"Bye, Danny. Have fun." Delilah smiles at me, waving goodbye already.

I return the smile, but it feels too tight. "I'll try."

The idea of going alone on my honeymoon still gives me a bit of an uneasy feeling, but I just remind myself that it's to get back at Veronica. That's the only reason why I'm doing this.

"Okay, dude. See you in about two weeks." Logan smiles, clapping his hand on my back a little too roughly. I'm tempted to wind back and punch him somewhere for it, but Delilah is only a foot away from me. I don't think I want to even try it.

With a sigh, I grab my suitcase by the handle and start rolling it towards the door. "Bye, thanks for the ride." I call out, waving goodbye one last time. Logan smiles at me and turns away to get back in the car. Delilah hesitates, but she does the same.

I immediately regret my decision to come here the moment I see the line to simply hand my suitcase over and deal with my ticket. It's too long, and for what? Where the hell are these people going in the middle of July?

Well. They're probably going on summer vacation of some sort. This makes sense.

But I still regret it, and I start to wonder if it's too late to spin around and chase after Logan and Delilah to give them my ticket. At least then I could get back at them for stealing my good night's rest last night.

I slouch a little when I watch an angry woman stomp past people in line, practically on a mission.



Finally—finally—I make it to my seat on the plane. I even managed to bump up my seat to first class since Veronica isn't with me now. I sink into the comfortable seat and try not to scowl at the little tv in front of me on the headrest.

I feel like some sort of grumpy old guy who hates everyone and everything.

"Excuse me—Oop. Sorry."

I scoff, recoiling a little when a wheel of a suitcase hits me right in my shoulder. "Hey," I grumble.

A woman looks at me, wide-eyed as she hauls multiple different suitcases around. "Oh—I'm so sorry." She smiles apologetically.

"Just watch it." I huff, far too annoyed by this point. First of all, I had to sit there in line and watch this witch of a woman scream at some eighteen-year-old boy behind the desk at the ticket thing. Then, I had to go off and wait in another line at security where I was chosen for a 'random pat down'.

It was anything but random, and I got my favorite energy drink that I'd just bought on the way here taken away from me. They threw it away right in front of me.

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