
I frown as I set my heels off to the side so I can grab a black pair of tennis shoes to put them on. Daniel said all he could find was nature stuff, so I figure that's the kind of stuff we'll be doing while we're here.

Which means I have to set all my pretty stuff off to the side. It's a tragedy, but one I have to deal with if I want to do something this trip. Luckily, I've got this cute baby blue and white yoga shorts and cropped tank top for today. I sort of just toss a white, thin zip up jacket on top and head out the door to go knock on Daniel's door.

He never confirmed that we were spending our vacation together, but he has to, right? He should want company since we're both alone. I know I do.

Just as I close my door, his opens down the hall. I perk up, but blink when I take a closer look. A woman in a tight and short black dress slips out of the room that I swear is Daniels. Her heels dangle in her two fingers on one hand while she uses the other to softly shut the door behind her. She lets out a silent sigh and looks down the hall, right at me.

With an awkward, tight smile, she offers a little wave then hurries off to the elevator. She's still barefoot. I stand here stupidly. For a few seconds, I don't know what I'm seeing as I watch her rush to the elevator.

The walk of shame.

That explains why he didn't come to my room to hang out last night then.

With a sigh, I continue down the hall to Daniel's room. I hesitate, but ultimately lift my hand to lightly knock on the thick wood of his door. I suppose I should've expected to see someone leave his hotel room at some point. We had a conversation about it all yesterday. I think I was expecting it, even.

It makes sense, but I still don't know. He didn't seem open to rebounds yesterday. I thought maybe he wouldn't have. It was a little dumb of me to just assume though. Not that it's any of my business. He told me I'm nosy. He's right.

Daniel comes to the door after a very long moment. He opens it and leans against the doorframe, in nothing but a baggy pair of sweatpants like a smug bastard. "Oh. Hi." He mutters, scrunching his nose up at me like he's displeased. "Need something?" He coaxes.

I hold my breath for a handful of seconds, unsure of what to say. He doesn't even look like he wanted to get out of bed to answer the door much less go on some sort of nature walk with me. "I, um, was wondering if we were doing something today."

Daniel raises a brow. "We?"

I frown more at that and start shying away. This makes him sigh and glance away from me, dropping the mean attitude.

"In a minute. I've got a headache." He changes his answer to a nicer one as his eyes fall shut. He waves me off while raising his other hand to pinch his nose bridge.

I let out a quiet sigh. "Have fun last night?" I push, glancing down the hall towards the elevator where that lady just went.

Daniel scowls simply. "Fuck you, Skylar." He dismisses.

I roll my eyes at him, just at the thought of it all. Gross.

"What?" Daniel scoffs at my gesture. "You're the one who practically encouraged me to go find a different rebound."

"I did not."

"You did." Daniel argues, crossing his arms over his chest. I huff, frustrated with the fact that he's still shirtless. He hasn't even stepped away to cover himself. I'm sure that if it were me, he'd be horrified.

"I told you I wouldn't be a rebound." I correct, holding a finger up in the air. "And that doesn't even matter because you didn't even want me as a rebound." He'd made a face when he thought I was suggesting it. That made me throw up in my mouth a little. I hate to admit it, but Daniel is a sight for sore eyes. But he's still rude.

Romancing the ReboundWhere stories live. Discover now