The boy

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Muzan walked in the cold night. The wind roared terribly. If he were a human, he most likely would've freezed.

He eventually reached his destination. A lonely house in the middle of the forest. They weren't even using any wisteria. It was like the family inside the house was asking to be devoured.

Muzan easily killed the parents. However when he had to kill a young boy laid on a small futon, he hesitated.


Why did he hesitate? It was just a human child. The young boy was awake, even when it was night time. The boy had dark red hair and bright red eyes.

Once the boy spotted Muzan, he squaled. He raised his arms up towards Muzan, signaling that he wanted to be lifted up. Slowly, after staring at the human baby for a while, Muzan reached his hands towards the to boy and lifted him up. The boy giggled happily at being lifted so high up.

Muzan was stunned. He emited such a terrifying precense that children, espechially young children and babies, cried at the sight of him. Yet, this baby didn't seem to care. He just giggled over and over again as Muzan on instinct brought the baby back down, only to lift him up again.

Muzan looked over to the futon the baby was sleeping on. There was a bit ragged stuffed animal. You could tell that it's very old and has been in the family for a long time. There's some letters stitched onto the side of the stuffed toy. It's a name.

"Tanjirou." Muzan read outloud.

At the sight of his toy, the baby giggled and made grabby hands towards the toy. Muzan handed the toy to the boy and he hugged it, giggling adorably as he did.

"So your name is Tanjirou?" Muzan muttered as he set the baby down in his arms.

"Ah ah!" The baby babbled.

Muzan felt something warm up in his chest. He hasn't felt this type of feeling since he was a human. Tanjirou squirmed  in Muzan's arms before settling down in a more comfortable positition and falling asleep, hugging his stuffed bunny.

"Hm." Muzan hummed. Maybe he'll keep Tanjirou. "Let's go Tanjirou. I'll take care of you."

And with that, Muzan walked out of the broken down home, holding a sleeping human baby in his cold arms.

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