Just a little war

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"Fuck you!"


Douma stared at the bit confusing scene infront of him. Daki and Gyokko, once again were agruing, though, this time they weren't arguing about their view on what's beautiful. No, this time they were arguing which one was Tanjirou favorite. Douma glanced back at Tanjirou, who was peacefully laying in Kokushibo's arms. Tanjirou's red eyes stared at the two arguing demons with curiosity.

"You know what?!" Daki yelled out. Then she stormed over to Kokushibo and looking at Tanjirou directly in the eyes. "Tanjirou! Who is your favorite?"

Kokushibo visibly looked unamused over the fact that Daki thought that Tanjirou could answer a question like that at a young age. Gyokko appeared from a pot next to Daki and was as eager for Tanjirou to choose. Tanjirou only stared. To him, these two looked like they were going play or something, he didn't understand what was going on.

Just then, Muzan arrived.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Daki and Gyokko jerked backwards.

"We-" Gyokko began.

"Shut up, Gykko. I don't need to listen to your bullshit right now."

At the sight of Muzan, Tanjirou giggled brightly. He stretched his tiny arms towards Muzan, who gladly picked the boy up with a gentle smile.

"Hello Tanjirou." Muzan greeted the baby.

Tanjirou giggled and snuggled closer to the demon king. Daki and Gyokko decided to drop the argument, as they saw they both had lost. Well of course. How could they ever be better than Muzan-sama himself? Of course Tanjirou would like Muzan more than any of the uppermoons.

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