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The uppermoons stared at the human boy named Tanjirou in disbelief. They all knew what their master thought of humans, so why would he take one under his care?

While the other uppermoons were processing the fact that they could any time be placed as a human baby's babysitter and could easily get killed if they did even one thing wrong, Kokushibo was deep in thought. The human child looked awfully like someone. His brother. The unwanted memories of Yoriichi flooded Kokushibo's mind as he stared at  the boy.

"Muzan-sama! May I hold him?" Douma spoke up.

Muzan stared at Douma with uncertainty in his blum red eyes. The uppermoon two only replied to this stare with a wide smile that showed his teeth and bright eyes, that already shined enough. Douma's colorful eyes seemed to catch Tajirou's attension, as he stretched out his hand towards Douma. Muzan made up his mind and gave Tanjirou to the pale haired demon.

"Hello Tanjirou!~" Douma cooed.

"Bah ah!" Tanjirou babbled and pointed at Douma's eye.

"Hm? Do you like my eye?" Douma asked, tilting his head to the side.

Tanjirou giggled and poked Douma's eye, obviously being interested in the demon's bright eyes.

"Aww!" Douma giggled. Then he reached up towards his eye and using his claw like nails, he pulled the organ out.

As Douma showed Tanjirou his now fully loose eye, the uppermoons stared in shock. Muzan assumed that Tanjirou would be frightened by the blood that covered Douma's eye and the half of his face and would start crying.

However, Tanjirou didn't seem to understand that an eye being removed so brutally isn't normal. He didn't seem to be bothered.

He didn't understand that what Douma did wasn't normal for a human being.

Tanjirou simply giggled at being allowed to inspect the eye closer. The human boy even picked the eye from Douma's plam, but almost instantly he dropped it.

"Yah!" He babbled.

"He probably didn't like how it felt..." Muzan thought awkwardly as he reached for Tanjirou and picked the boy up from Douma's arms.

"From now on, don't do that." Muzan said as he gave giggling Tanjirou his rabbit back.

"But why, Muzan-sama?" Douma whined. "He liked my eye!"

"He's a human." Muzan reminded.

"Isn't it a bit strange how he didn't break into tears when Douma-san pulled his eye out?" Daki mumbled.

Akaza nodded briefly, agreeing with Daki. "I would've expected for him to cry too."

There was a moment of silence, where Douma silently cried over not being allowed to hold Tanjirou anymore. Then Daki made up her mind and spoke up.

"Muzan-sama, may I hold him next?" Daki asked, simply wanting to please the demon king, not because she wanted to touch a filthy human.

Muzan nodded, and lowered the human boy into Daki's arms. Daki used every single bit of her strengt to not drop the baby. She didn't want to hold him. She hated humans.

Tanjirou stared at Daki with curious eyes. Daki, using her acting skills that she developed over the years, smiled warmly at the baby. Tanjirou blinked his bright eyes and then laughed. He reached towards the woman and took a few strands of her black hair. He played around with the silky hair for a moment then moved his attension to her hairpins. Daki, knowing better than to displease Muzan's son, hesitantly pulled one of her shiny hairpins from her hair and handed it to the baby. Tanjirou giggled and plucked the hairpin back into Daki's hair.

"Gah!" Tanjirou yelled.

Daki stared at the baby. "Did you want to help me?" She whispered out.

"Gah ah!" Tanjirou nodded his head.

There he goes again. Firstly he captured the demon kings heart with his cutenenss and now he managed to capture the uppermoon six's heart as well. Well, what else would you expect from him. Even though the results of Tanjirou's help weren't as pretty and perfect as Daki's own work, she still couldn't help but feel so thankful that the adorable baby had wanted to help her.

"Thank you Tanjirou." Daki smiled, and this time, she wasn't acting.

It took about twenty minutes for Daki to finally allow the next uppermoon to hold Tanjirou, and even after she had given the giggling baby to Akaza, she was still angry and was pouting in a corner. Akaza held Tanjirou carefully and kept him a bit more far away. He wasn't really sure how to hold the child, but knew that since he was a human, and a baby even, he was extremely fragile. Tanjirou babbled on and on about something, no one could ever understand what he was trying to say. At somepoint Tanjirou shoved the ragged ear of his stuffed toy into his mouth and chewed on it.

"Hey, that's not edible." Akaza said and pulled the rabbits ear out of Tanjirou's mouth.

Akaza held Tanjirou carefully and with a bit uncertainty. Gyokko wasn't even allowed to hold Tanjirou, since he couldn't held anything other than one of his pots with those tiny hands. So instead Tanjirou was laid down infront of the demon and Gyokko spent his turn showing Tanjirou his pots. Tanjirou liked them, they looked pretty, so Gyokko immediately liked Tanjirou as well.

Hantengu was too scared to hold Tanjirou, so, somehow, Tanjirou ended up on laying on Hantengu's back, on his stomack. Giggling, Tanjirou had grabbed one of Hantengu's horns, which caused for the tiny demon to flinch and cry. Tanjirou let go of Hantengu's horn and then layed complietly flat and spreaded his arms. Tanjirou tried to hug Hantengu. Tanjirou's kind act reassured Hantengu and he felt a bit safer with the boy.

Kokushibo had pulled away from the memories of his brother by the time it was his turn to hold Tanjirou. The uppermoon one held the baby like babies are actually supposed to be held. Even though Daki, Douma and techically Akaza held Tanjirou correctly, Kokushibo obviously knew how to hold Tanjirou, unlike Akaza.

"Have you held a baby before, Kokushibo-dono?" Douma asked.

"I had... a child when... I was a... human." Kokushibo answered.

Nakime was the last uppermoon to hold Tanjirou. She layed the boy on her lap and after about five minutes the baby had curled up in her hair and fallen asleep.

Tanjirou deserved his nap. After all, he did steal at least five hearts that day.

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