Chapter 3: The Newcomers

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Otonashi and Kanade sit at their usual lunch table, both eating their favorite meals.

"Wow.. this lunch period sure is quieter without the others around." Says Otonashi.

"Yeah, I noticed that too. Do you think we will soon have others eating along side with us?" Kanade asked.

"It's very possible. But we shouldn't waste their time in this after life. Isn't our reason of staying here to help others out who can't move on?"

"Well.. That's one reason... The other being that I just wanted to stay here a bit longer with you.."

Kanade blushes as she says this. Otonashi places his hand gently on top of her head.

"You're cute when you're flustered.. you know that, right?"

"Stop teasing me, Yuzuru."

They both giggle.

"Hey, Kanade.. there's something I've been wondering.."

"What is it?"

"Well.. I'm happy.. at least, I think I am.. what about you? Are you happy?"

Kanade thinks about this question for a moment.

"I believe I am. Why do you ask?"

"Well.. if we truly are happy, why haven't we vanished yet?"

Kanade stops eating and thinks for a while.

"I think it's because me and you have some unfinished business. Yuzuru, what did you want to do in the other world that you weren't really able to accomplish? "

"That's an easy question. I wanted to help save someone's life!"

(So.. if I were to have told him the truth about extending my life.. he would've disappeared..?) Kanade thinks to her self.

"What about you, Kanade? What did you want to do in the real world? "

"Huh? Oh! Sorry, I dozed off there for a second... What did I want to do..? Well.. I wanted to thank somebody.."

"Thank somebody? Thank them for what?"

"That.. is a secret."

"Oh, come on Kanade. You know how much I hate secrets."

"Well we're dating, so you're gonna have to deal with them because I have a lot of them."

Otonashi sighs and whispers under his breath.

"Sigh Some girlfriend you are."

"Hand Sonic"

Otonashi looks up from his plate, seeing Kanade holding her hand up menacingly.

"I'm sorry Yuzuru, I didn't quiet hear you. Would you mind repeating your self?"

Her eyes were locked onto his. Almost as if she was trying to read his soul.

"N-nothing, I said nothing my precious Angel! Sorry if you misunderstood.."

Otonashi was nervously laughing. Kanade dispels hand sonic.

"I thought so."

11:35 PM

"I appreciate you letting me sleep in your dorm.. but don't you think it's a bit weird?"

Otonashi asks, turned around as Kanade changes into her blue and white pajamas.

"Not entirely. I will admit that I am a bit nervous though."

"If you want, I can sleep on the floor. I just need some blankets and a pillow."

"No, it's fine. Sleeping on the same bed shouldn't be too bad anyway."

"Yeah.. I guess you're right."

Otonashi crawls into bed while Kanade turns off the lights. The room was almost pitch black if it wasn't for the moon light shining through the window. Otonashi feels Kanade slip into the blankets right beside him. Otonashi feels a slight discomfort in his position.

"Feel free to get comfortable in any way.. I wouldn't mind." Kanade says shyly.

"Oh, um.. okay."

Otonashi wraps his arm around Kanade's waist.

"I-is this okay?"

"Yeah.. it's fine... it feels nice and warm."

Even though the room was dark, he could tell Kanade was blushing. After a few minutes, Otonashi finally works up the courage to get even more comfortable. Otonashi gets into the classic spooning position and rests his head on Kanade's. He heard a small squeal come from Kanade.

(Ha,how cute. Her pajamas are so soft and her hair smells heavenly. I am such a lucky guy.)

"Good night my Angel."

He digs his head deeper into her hair, cuddling her. She giggles.

"Good night, Yuzuru."

Kanade immediately falls asleep in Otonashi's arms as Otonashi slowly dozes off.

30 minutes later

"Hello? Is anybody here?"

Otonashi is awakened by an unknown voice coming from out the window. Otonashi shakes Kanade awake.

"Hey, Kanade. I think I heard someone's voice coming from outside."

Kanade rubs her eyes and stretches.

"Are you sure it wasn't an NPC?"

"Why would an NPC be up at this time of night?"

Kanade gets up and looks out the window.

"There are 2 girls. They both look just as old as you, Yuzuru."

Otonashi gets out of bed and joins her by the window.

"They don't look related. Do you think they know each other?"

"I don't know. Let's go introduce our selves and explain the situation to them."

Kanade slips on her shoes and walks out the door along with Otonashi.

"Are you sure you want to greet them in pajamas?"

"Is there something wrong with them?"

"I guess not."

They step into the cold out doors. The girls luckily didn't leave their position. Once the 2 girls saw them approaching, they ran towards them.

"What's going on? Where are we?!"

One of the girls asked.

"Please calm down, you're okay."

"Don't tell us to calm down! Tell us where we are!" The other girl spoke up.

"You're in the after life. You're currently dead, and we have to put your soul at peace." Kanade explained.

Both girls stood there silent. They then burst out laughing.

"As if we'd believe that bull shit! What do you think we are? Stupid?"

Both continued laughing.

"Yeah! If we really are dead, why don't you prove it!"

Otonashi giggles.

"Ah the memories. Go ahead Kanade."

Without a moment of hesitation, Kanade stabs one of the girls directly in the heart. She then looks over to the other.

"W-wait, we were only kidding! Please understand! It was a joke! Wait! No! Please!!"

She is then stabbed as well.

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