Chapter 6: The Knolage And Strength Of Ones Heart

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3rd Person: It was another day in the city for the young Keyblade wielder who was at the iconic mobile restraunt where Hikari usually works at to talk with the young lady when she would be finished working luckily she finished early and thus their convo begun.

Hikari: So, what did you want to talk with me about Brook?

Brook: It involves both her majesty and the lost shadow group I ran into back at the bridge. As you saw yesterday, their allied with both a evil mage and a dark knight one of witch attacked the school by changing the statue but theirs been something in the back of my head that needs to be addressed.

Hikari: Then what is it and how does it involve the group you met?

Brook: You remember those four that you and the others mentioned and we fight on ocation? I think our new group of hooded literal miss-fits could be helping them to revive the Dark king before moving on to the next part of this world. Which then begs one of many questions that's been on my mind, "What's their end goul?"

Hikari: That is a good question on the matter, come to think of it I've been wondering if this happened before.

Brook: Do you think we should ask Nagisa and Honoka on the subject?

Hikari: That would prove to bring promising results.

After all was said and done, the two went off into the city to get some much deserved time to themselves after yesterday's until an idea popped into Brooks mind being as cents he always invites himself to hangout with the girls maybe he should reciprocate that notion and show them or in this case Hikari around Hope's Bounty.

Brook: Say Hikari, I was just thinking cents I'm always hangin' around you and the others would you like to see where me and Gadget live and get around places with?

Hikari: Now that you mention it, you didn't tell us how it was you two got here so I see no reason not to visit.

Taking Brook up on his offer, the two then ventured off into the woods until they came across a lake and what Hikari saw was beyond even her comprehension as next to it was a space craft that resembled a sail ship with two sails at the bottom of both sides of the craft and a big sail in the middle of the deck folded.

Brook: Welcome to Hope's Bounty.

Hikari: It's incredible, did you two really fly here in that?

Brook: We sure did, here let me show you inside.

Brook then used an app on his gummi phone to lower flight of stairs that led to the center deck of the ship and escorted Hikari to the main entrance leading inside.

Brook: Here we have the main hall of the ship, down the left hall is where the kitchen and dining room is, the end of the right hall is where the lab and workshop is and center hall leads to the living quarters of each crew mate.

Hikari: What about that small space outside the ship?

Brook: Thats the hanger where the pilot usually is.

Hikari: By the way where's Gadget?

Brook: Probably in the lab working on a new gizmo for the ship he said something about a way to upgrade the defense protocals.

The two then left the ship and made their way back to the city towards the park while talking to each other about one another.

Brook: So, how did you become a Pretty Cure like Nagisa and Honoka?

Hikari: It was when we were attacked by one of those Zakenna and one of those four strangers, it wasn't until I met Pollun that I was able to transform into Shining Luminous and be by their side.

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