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I put the first outfit back on. There was no way in hell I was wearing a dress to class. The first fit was something I wouldn't wear either but it was the better option. At least I hope. I feel exposed still, but Darla-May is more exposed than me. Her skirt was way too short. Her top didn't have any straps and was a crop top. She made it work though.

She opens the door and walks inside. I follow and we make our way to our usual seats. So far so good. Or so I thought.

Whispers and murmurs appear from around the room as soon as Darla-May and I take our seat. I set my bag down and glance around the room to see glances at us then swiftly away. I raise a brow and look towards Darla-May leaning against the desk, leaning my head into my hand to try and cover myself, in a way.

"Why are they looking at us?" I ask, in a whisper. Darla-May glances up from her phone. Her brown eyes darting around and she smirks. Slowly turning her head towards me as our eyes lock instantly.

"They're not looking at us, they're looking at you," she says back and I shake my head from side to side as the door slams shut. Everyone goes silent. I jump and look at the front to find the headmaster, the professor and Parker all walking in.

Parker stops walking and stands at the bottom of the stairs, by the door. They cup their hands together and looks around the room. But I find their eyes lock with mine and see them shift. A small smile spreading on her lips looking wt me. I bite my lip, feeling my lips quivering to a smile but that disappears as the headmaster speaks.

"Sorry to call you all in today. I know it was a day off for everyone but something had been brought to my attention," Headmaster Rollins speaks. He stands at the front of the whole class. His eyes scanning the room. "There seems to have been a problem within this class. It's not just this one we're talking to, but the material being taught within the class has been made aware. Professor here informed me you all choose your own books and write reports. Is that what this class is?"

Everyone's silent.

"I need a head nod or something students," Headmaster spoke and a bunch of people nod their heads. Rollins nods. "I get this is a college class but one of your reports was turned in about something very serious. It wasn't about a book."

Whispers appear around the room. I glance to Parker only to find their eyes on me. A small smile spreading their lips looking back at me.

I tilt my head, questioning them with my eyes as they don't do anything.

"The report was written by a student in one of these classes. It was turned in without a name and the professor here doesn't recognize the handwriting nor does student aide Parker Raines-" Headmaster Rollins pauses. "Im going to be talking to potential people of who wrote the report. When we find out who it was there's going to be serious consequences. If you come forward right now and save us the hassle of hunting you down, there'll still be consequences just not as severe."

Silence fills the room. Headmaster stands with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes glancing about and nodding before a kid in the middle row slowly raises his hand.

"Yes?" Headmaster Rollins asks and the kid lowers his hand.

"What was the report about?" The kid asks and the headmaster shifts uncomfortably.

"I can't discuss that. But the person knows what they wrote," headmaster Rollins answers. "If that's it, you're all dismissed."

Everyone gets up immediately and heads out the two doors. I glance over to Darla-May who's yawning as she stands.

"Well that was stupid," Darla-May says and I shake my head. "Dude couldn't even give us dets! I wanna know what was written to the point professor Voldemort had to report it."

Beg For It {H.S x OC}Where stories live. Discover now