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Music blaring. Bass pumping loudly. It sounds like it's going to explode at any minute as we pull up to the house. Darla- May is grinning from ear to ear. Her mini black skin tight skirt shines bright from the lights. Her bright pink blouse perfectly fits her body and her boobs. She even unbuttons the two little buttons so her cleavage shows even more than it already does.

"This better get that ass hat's attention," Darla-May says fixing her breasts. I shake my head and unbuckle my seatbelt. She turns the car off and looks over at me. "Gavin Motherfucking Henders will be mine. Mark my word."

"You do know he's the biggest fuck boy around college. I don't know why you're so hell bent on him," I say opening the passenger door and climbing out. I hear Darla-May's door open next and see her look absolutely shocked by my comment.

"Hailee, you're just weird for not wanting him. I mean... Have you seen the man?" Darla-May says, placing her hand over her chest and then pretending to fall. I roll my eyes and shut the passenger door.

"You all just like him because his dick pic went around and he's popular. Only reason," I say, shrugging and walking around the car. The door behind me sounds like it's slammed. I go to turn but see Darla-May's blue hair right in front of me.

"First of all, you know damn well his pee pee made you weak weak! You literally dropped to the floor," Darla-May points her finger in my face and I reach up grabbing it, pushing it away.

"I fell because you kicked me in the knee cap. Actually it was behind my knee and I was bruised from the other time you did it when Kyle Florins texted you back about a hookup. That was the reason I dropped."

Darla-May rolls her eyes and I shake my head, turning away from her. The house was some bouncer looking thing. I gulp and my eyes go wide when I realize who's house party this actually is.


"Yes ma'am?" Darla-May has a smirk against her lips. I can feel it now. I slowly turn away from the lit up house and to my friend.

"I told you I wanted nothing to do with these frat boys."

Darla-May sighs and wraps her arms around my shoulders. "Oh Hailee baby, you need to get laid."

"Not by-"

"Nope. You're having fun tonight. I don't care if you're mad at Stoney. You two should make up anyway. Y'all were cute," she says cutting me off. She unwraps her arm from around me and jumps out in front of me. Our eyes locking.

"He cheated on me and was smoking those electric cigarettes I hate," I tell her and a knowing look spreads her face. She throws her head back and tosses up her hands.

"Okay then, there's plenty of eligible people here for your liking! Hey maybe that student aide will be here. They liked you."


She reaches forward and takes my hand into her own. She drags me off to the house and I just let her. I wanted to fight her on everything when it invoked relationships. I came out to her on our last day of junior year of high school as bisexual. She's tried hooking me up with plenty of guys which is fine. But the boys she keeps trying for with me just aren't my type. Except for Stoney. Stoney was cute. He had dimples. Dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. But he had a smoking and drug problem. We were together for a year and a month before I saw him kissing the known junkie of the college. Willow Samuels. Raven colored hair. Dark beautiful black colored skin. She was pretty but fucked up from all the drugs.

I ended things an hour later with Stoney.

"Just promise me one thing Hailee?" Darla-May says as we get onto the front porch step. People making out and passed out as we get to the door. I turn my head to my best friend and lock with her dark chocolate brown eyes.

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