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"Hey Hailee baby!" My best friend, Darla May says walking up to me. I pick up my head and see her bright blue and black colored hair. I raise a brow but smile none the less as she comes up and sits.

"Well well, were we bored of the hot pink hair?" I ask, shutting my journal as the girl nods.

"Yes ma'am we were," Darla-May responds, sitting with either leg on each side of the bench. She looks between my eyes and smirks. "It's also because we were invited to a party tonight."

"Darla- May-"

"Listen listen," Darla-May puts up her hands in defense, cutting me off. I place down my pen and place my hands in my lap. My smile vanished. "Look we're at college babe. You haven't went to a party all semester. It's been two years actually without you having been to a party or me dragging your, may I say, hot ass to one. This one you have to go too."

"Mm I don't though. Plus I have a really big bio exam Friday-"

"That's Friday! It's only Wednesday and I know damn well you don't have any classes tomorrow! I already looked," Darla-May smiles widely. I shake my head, letting a sigh escape my lips. I look away from the brown eyed girl to my journal. A small breeze pushing through us. I loved Darla-May. She's been my best friend since Sophomore year of high school and my roommate here at college. She was always one for a big crowd. The party life. Well since we hit senior year of high school and then went to college. When I met her she was one of the top people in our class.

"Shit! We gotta go! Professor Voldemort is awaiting our arrival!" Darla May stands up bouncing around as my eyes go wide. I hurriedly pack up my stuff and grab my journal and pen, holding it in hand before feeling Darla-May grab my arm and pull me along.

"You do know the professor is Professor Philigans," I state as we hurry to the building. Darla May chuckles nodding.

"I'm aware but I hate him. Plus he looks like Voldemort. That man's nose is not there." A small chuckle escapes my lips as we get to the English wing. "You can't tell me you see it? He can't even smell how bad he rinks of alcohol most days."

"Okay, okay. I get it but he is a good professor."

"Hailee, baby, he's not. He's too drunk most of the time and his student teacher has to teach for him. It's sad." We enter the classroom, taking a seat near the top. Most of the seats in the front were already full. We had but a minute to spare when we sat down and I fully looked at my watch. A low sigh escapes my lips as Darla May leans back in her chair.

"Just give him the benefit of the doubt," Hailee says over towards Darla May. The blue haired girl shakes her head, pointing to the man walking in with a briefcase.

"I can't. Look at the way he's dressed Hailee. I'm sorry but man looks like Voldemort and that hobo teacher from Victorious had a baby," Darla May says. A chuckle escapes my lips as I drop my head feeling eyes on me, a few actually but they don't last for long.

"Good afternoon class," Professor Philigans speaks up, placing down his bag and sniffling. "Today we're starting a new lesson considering we finished our last two days ago. Today we'll be starting any novel of your choosing. It will be an individual assignment. Choose whatever book you want. My student teacher here will hand out the papers for what you must do to get an A. That's it. Do it or don't. Up to you whether you wanna pass or not."

The professor tosses up his hand and sits down grabbing his laptop, opening it up. Everyone in the class begins talking again. The student teacher, I suppose is handing out papers but I don't see them. I look over at Darla May who leans up from her seat and leans towards me.

"So about the party tonight, wear something nice," Darla May says, sticking out her finger and trailing it up and down my body. "This won't do babe."

"Wh-What's wrong with my outfit?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"Nothing except you look like you're a preacher's daughter and nobody wants to sleep with a preachers daughter... Okay no I lied. They would but not with that fit."

My lips separate in shock at the woman's words. A chuckle escapes her lips as she claps her hands together. "I'm just saying Hailee. The point of a party is to get laid."

"I thought it was about having fun?" I question as Darla-May puts her hand up slightly and wobbles it from side to side.

"Well yeah I guess. But you need laid girl-"

"Talking about getting laid isn't appropriate for class," a voice speaks cutting Darla-May off. My eyes slowly turn and meet a stomach. Slowly my eyes roll up and meet with beautiful silver blue ones.

"Oh come on. Like we all don't get laid," Darla-May challenges leaning forward a bit, looking at the person. "Plus I know for a fact you've had your fair share of hookups. You're highly talked about."

"That was two years ago. I'm not hooking up with anyone anymore," the student teacher said. Darla-May nods slowly.

"Then let me ask you something," Darla-May says. Out of the corner of my eye I see a menacing smirk cross her lips as she points at me. "If given the chance, would you sleep with Hailee?"

My eyes go wide and my face heats up. I lock eyes with the student teacher for a second before looking over at my best friend. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles widely, cheekily before she looks back at the person. I follow suit seeming as she was quiet. The girl in front of me stayed quiet. Her eyes lingering on mine once my hazel ones meet their's. I watch as her eyes flicker back and forth. The silence lingering on and on. It felt like long minutes strung out on a string until finally they blink and look away, setting down two pieces of the paper in front of me and Darla-May.

"Do your projects," they say before walking away, avoiding the question completely. My eyes follow her. She continues down the line passing out papers. Fingers stab into my side causing me to jump and turn to a laughing Darla-May.

"Damn it Darla," I say, reaching down my arm and holding my side as the girl claps her hands together and nodding.

"They would. They 100% would," Darla- May says confidently. I shake my head, rubbing my side before placing both my hands on the table and looking down at the guidelines for the project.

"They didn't give an answer," I say, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. "And from what I've learned, no answer is an answer."

"Okay but the look she was giving to you spoke more. But whatever-" Darla leans closer to me. Her lips to my ear. "We'll just find you someone later tonight." I roll my eyes as she moves away and pulls out her phone. A low sigh escapes under my breathe as my eyes begin scanning the paper. Reading line by line but my thoughts were focused on the interaction with the student teacher and the why behind why Darla-May wants me to get laid so bad tonight.

Beg For It {H.S x OC}Where stories live. Discover now