Ꮍ1 (1) - Family and Friends

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"Alright you big beached whale! Get up!"

I groaned and turned over, facing my back to whoever was shaking me awake. Ugh. Can't they leave me alone for a second?

"That ain't nice Cyra. C'mon (Y/n) get up."

The covers were pulled off my body and I shivered at the sudden exposure to the cold air. Go away. Let me sleep you annoying cattle of donkeys.

"(Y/n)! I gonna pour ice water on you! In three... two..." My annoying sister sang out as I attempted to ignore them all crowding my room.

I heard a slosh of water and I opened my eyes to see Cyra standing above me with a water gun.

I flinched as the cold water was splashed onto my face.

"Cyra! What the hell?!" I yelled out in annoyance, finally getting up as my pajamas were soaked.

Grayson was shaking his head disapprovingly in the doorway of my room. Mika watching is amusement and Aron walking in angrily with a thick book in his hands.

"Honestly, all of ya can't leave poor baby (n/n) alone can ya?" Grayson sighed as Aron threw the thick book at Cyra's head.

"Ow! Aron! Bloody hell?!" She exclaimed as she rubbed the back of her head with a hiss of pain.

"What have I told you about the water gun?! Next time I see that bloody thing I will personally make you watch me destroy it with an axe!" Aron yelled angrily as he stormed out of the room after hearing my father call out to him.

"Are you done arguing?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as Mika burst out laughing while Cyra sulked in the corner.

"All right! All of ya get out!" Grayson announced with a clap of his hands before making sure everyone exited my room. He trailed behind them and called out to me before stepping out the door, "I got you a present (n/n)! Can you make yourself presentable at least?"

I nodded eagerly and locked the door once he left.

Not too long ago I had received my letter to Hogwarts. Only I didn't expect time to fly by so fast.

It didn't feel like 5 years passed yet. But apparently they did.

5 years ago, my twin sister, Holly died. She drowned after we both snuck out and managed to catch ourselves in the rapids of the river we live nearby.

I don't remember much about that day. My mother says my mind probably removed that memory from my brain to "protect" me. Even though I don't remember much, I still have a distinct fear of water.

Well not exactly. It's not like I hated showers or drinking water or even water balloons and stuff like that. I hate swimming. I hate baths. I hate pools. Lakes, rivers, oceans. Stuff like that.

I can remember the feeling of my lungs desperately trying to cling onto any sort of air. The feeling of choking on the rushing water. The feeling of being unable to swim against the harsh waters of the rapids. It's suffocating. And bodies of water make me feel trapped and terrified.

A big deal to manage with Cyra. She mocks me for that. But I guess that's her way of coping with the incident. Grayson has gotten more protective of me since that incident. Aron isn't around much anymore but he still tries to keep us all in check. Like a third parent. Mika is... well Mika. She isn't one for many words but when she does it's wise words. She's like the therapist of the family.

But back to where we were. Hogwarts.

Today I was supposed to meet up with a family my father is well aquatinted with. And after that, Grayson agreed to take me shopping with him and Cyra at Diagonal Alley.

𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓢𝓮𝓽 𝓐𝓫𝓵𝓪𝔃𝓮 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now