Ꮍ1 - (13) Picking Sides

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As soon as I got back to Hogwarts, I was bombarded with comments about Ralf the moment I put him on my bed.

"Who gave him to you?" Audrey asked excitedly, trying to grab him from Zima's hands.

"He's really cute!" Zima gushed, holding Ralf far away from Audrey.

"What's his name?" They asked in unison as they each held one of his arms.

"It's Ralf. Spelled R-A-L-F. Now please give him back." I said aggressively, afraid that they might rip him the moment he even came to Hogwarts. "And to answer your question Audrey, Draco gave him to me."

"HA! Get those 2 galleons ready for me Audrey!" Zima gloated as she gave Ralf back to me.

"Oh man. I never knew Malfoy was even capable of being even remotely kind." Audrey sighed and shook her head but gave me a smile.

"So does anyone want to read the Daily Prophet before bed?"

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I was laid down in Gryffindor's common room, surrounded by Weasley, Granger and Harry.

A while ago, Harry had owled me to ask if I had known anything about Nicholas Flamel, in which I told him I didn't. But if he ever needed help, I could try to help during my time at Hogwarts.

So here I sat, discussing things with the 3 Gryffindors right after Harry's Quidditch practice.

"Apparently Snape is refereeing for Quidditch this match. It's odd! I never assumed he would even be interesting in Quidditch. And then there was that whole incident with my jinxed broom." Harry told us in a not-so-loud voice so only we heard.

"Don't play," Granger said suddenly.

"Say you're ill," Weasley added.

"Pretend to break your leg," She suggested with a shrug.

"Really break your leg," Weasely said brightly.

"I can't," explained Harry with distress, "There isn't a reserve Seeker. If I back out, Gryffindor can't play at all."

"Why are you all so Anti-Snape? He's done nothing wrong." I asked in boredom, turning around to lay on my back and stare up at them.

"He jinxed Harry's broom last Quidditch match." Weasley said with a look of disgust. "Bet you were cheering for him."

"If you mean Professor Snape, then I will tell you now, he's done nothing wrong and in the impossible case that he ever does, I wouldn't be rooting for him to hurt Harry." I retorted defensively.

"Of course you would say that. He's the head of your house."

"You didn't hear me protest when McGonagall appointed Harry to the team, nor when he was, free of charge, given the Nimbus 2000." 

There was a clear tension between Weasley and I that Granger had stepped in to resolve quickly.

"Right now that doesn't matter. The point is-"

In that moment, Longbottom had hopped into the the common room with a curse causing his legs to be locked together. I had frowned immediately, because that was one of the curses Grayson had taught me and Draco a few days before we returned to Hogwarts.

𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓢𝓮𝓽 𝓐𝓫𝓵𝓪𝔃𝓮 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now