Ꮍ1 (12) - Christmas

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(This is a long one, be warned.)

My fingers delicately wrapped the thin paper around the sweets and model dragon toy, making sure it was done correctly.

This was the first year I was spending Christmas with someone aside from my family. It was also the first time I got gifts for anyone, but with the help of my father, I grabbed a handful of Galleons from the separate vault I owned at Gringrotts.

Laughing lightly, I stared at the specific gift placed within the other few in my closet. Just a few days ago I had managed to get everything for everyone. Everyone except for Draco.

𓆗𓅓͛ ¾ 🃁 𐦍 ⚕️𓆗𓅓͛ ¾ 🃁 𐦍 ⚕️

*A few days ago*

"Grayson you have to help me!" I begged, pacing in circles within my room.

"With what? You keep asking for help but never tell me what exactly you need help with." He explained simply, fidgeting with my wand in his hand.

I glare over at him, he sat on this fancy, sage green, couch my mother had placed in my room a few years ago. After the events of Holly and I.

"Okay? You still haven't explained what the problem is. So are you going to tell me baby (Y/n) or am I gonna continue playing guess who?"

"Okay. Okay! This is the very first time I am getting gifts for everyone and its super stressful because now the Malfoy's are coming and I have no idea what to get Draco!" I blurt out in a rush, filled with anxiety as the days till Christmas began to grow short.

"Alright. Give me a few." Grayson laid down on the couch and closed his eyes, seemingly in thought.

"Get him a new broom." He shrugged, "You said he brags about it all the time. And money has never been a problem for pure-blood families."

"Yes, but what would he do with it? He'd only be able to use it during holidays. First-years aren't allowed brooms remember? He'd have to wait till second year. And that's saying he has chance at making the Quidditch team."

"Well with enough money, I'm sure precious daddy Malfoy can buy him his way into the team." Grayson snorted and grabbed a copy of the Daily Prophet from my desk.

"Alright, how about this?" He threw the paper at me, "Dragon model. Roars and moves around realistically with flick of the wand. All kinds of dragons. They're a supposed hot item, according to the Prophet."

"If it's a well selling item, then how do you expect me to get it? They should be like a limited few." I scoffed and threw it back to Grayson.

"Send Windcutter. I didn't get you an owl for no reason." He paused and stood up, whistling over my owl who was currently sleeping. "Plus he's proven to be fast and resilient."

𓆗𓅓͛ ¾ 🃁 𐦍 ⚕️𓆗𓅓͛ ¾ 🃁 𐦍 ⚕️

That's how that went and now I was only hoping that Draco didn't already have the whole set. But there was too many dragon species for him to have every single one. Right?

𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓢𝓮𝓽 𝓐𝓫𝓵𝓪𝔃𝓮 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now