Chapter 2: DAKSH

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...Hold Me Like You Mean It
And Never Let Me Go...

"Daksh stop it, someone might watch us", she said breathing heavily.

"Love, do I look like I care??I don't. Let them watch and once they do , they better know that the girl right here whom I'm holding in my arms belongs to me and only me and all they can do is watch. Only I have the right to touch you, to love and to kiss you",

I said pulling her closer towards me till there was no space left between us.

My hands were all over her body ,trailing every inch of her smooth skin . For a second, I even felt I could hear her heartbeat.

Beep!!! Beep!! Beep!!!

Just as she was about to say something more , i held her nape with a jerk and started giving her wet kisses on her neck.

Beep!! Beep!! Beep!! Beep!!! Beep!!!

" D...Dak...Daksh", she managed to say suppressing her moans.

I knew I could not stop now. Not when she was in my arms and I could touch and love her the way I want to.
I felt like I had waited for this moment for my entire life.

Beep!!! Beep!!! Beep!!! Beep!!! Beep!! Beep!!

"Get up it's 8 o'clock Daksh".she said.

I suddenly stopped and looked at her . As I was about to say something, I was jerked by something or rather someone.

" Get up you dumbass for how long are you gonna sleep??", Rudra shouted snatching my blanket.

I opened my eyes instantaneously . So, again this was all a dream.

I slowly sat on my bed and saw that my phone had been beeping because of the alarm I had set for 7 o'clock.

" No wonder there was a beeping sound in between my dream", I said looking at my phone.

"What dream were you seeing?? Don't tell me it was about that girl again", Rudra asked sitting on the couch handing me a cup of coffee.

"Firstly, that girl's name is Raina . Secondly, always keep this in your head that my dreams, my reality, my life everything revolves around her. Let alone dreaming, the only reason I can live is because of the hope of being with her again.So, next time don't ask these stupid questions."

I replied annoyingly.

"Ok ,Ok I'm sorry. Now would you please get ready and go to work?? We are already half an hour late. Breakfast is ready have it and come fast. I'm leaving for office." Rudra said.

As I was already pissed off, I did not reply anything to him and went straightaway to the washroom .

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror,
"I know he believes that I won't be able to meet her again but one day I will be back in her life and when I do the only person she will ever see , feel , hear is going to be me .


With that, I banged my hand on the mirror making it break into pieces and resulting in a bruise in my hand.

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