Chapter 3 : RAINA

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..."I Need Space", She Exclaimed
"I Have A 2BHK Flat, Will That Be Enough?", He Whispered
Love Blossomed...

" Raina,wake up, it's 8 o'clock already, aren't you getting late?",Mumma shouted from kitchen.

"5 mins more please",I said while holding my pillow and embracing it tightly.

"But you told me to wake you up at 7 because you had some interview-,"before she could complete, I shouted.

"WHAT THE F...,NO NO NO I CAN'T BE LATE.. DAMN,"with that I looked at the clock and to my surprise it was just 6.30 am.

So,my oh-so-smart mom played this trick on me to get me out of my bed.I calmed myself down and ran to the kitchen.

"What the hell mom! why did you do that? It's only 6.30 and you know  I came home late yesterday and you are waking me up so early that too by lying to me..why??",

Yesterday, it was 11 o'clock till I came home from Gayu's house. I was already so exhausted and wanted to wake up fresh next morning after completing my 8  hours of sleep so that I would do well in my interview. The last thing I wanted my mom to do was to wake me up at 6.30 .

"You were the one who told me to wake you up early and Raina I don't want you to get late that's why I thought of pulling this trick on you,now instead of arguing with me I think you should go on a walk with your father and when you come back, breakfast will be ready . Walking is a good exercise, it will help you keep your mind active throughout your interview.",

My mother said holding the spatula  in her hand which was supposed to be used for making the potato vegetable she was cooking.

Now I get it. It was never about waking me up early for my interview, but she wanted me to go on a walk with dad.

Dad , who never talked to me .
Dad, who never bothered to know what is going in my life.
Dad, who did not care about me.
Dad, who would never celebrate  any of my achievements.

In these two years since my breakup with Daksh, me and my dad have never talked.

Reason: I fell in love with the wrong guy.

It's not like I've not apologised for what I did but he would never listen to me . I had tried every possible thing to make him understand. Flowers, sorry cards, saying sorry holding my ears but I guess nothing mattered.

I wanted to tell him that it was never my plan to fall in love, it just happened.I sometimes feel that he definitely deserved a better daughter. A daughter who will match his expectations, not me, who broke his trust.

But still, I cannot deny the fact that I have given up hope, I no more believe that he will talk to me. The only person who still tries her best is my mother.

Well, I don't blame her. I know she feels lonely sometimes. She cannot decide whether to choose her daughter or her husband. But now, me and dad are far beyond from choosing. We somewhere know that these efforts are going vain.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts when I heard my dad say ," I'm not going for a walk today, I'm not feeling well. If anyone wants to go, they can go alone ."

Don't be confused, this "anyone" addressed by my dad is me. This is how he talks if once in a blue moon he does.

I looked at my mother. Before she could say a word, I ran towards my room banged the door ,locked it and started crying.

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