Chapter 5: RAINA

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.."Short Tempered And Impatient"
Nobody Could Tame Her Anger.
His Smile Was An Exception..

I rushed out of his cabin as fast as I could. As soon as I shut the door of his office, I took a breathe of relief.

Yatharth Chauhan?? Nope. I'd prefer calling him Moron Chauhan.

My bestfriend eating my last momos did not piss me as much as his behaviour did.

I wondered whether in his entire life he ever talked to someone nicely or not.

I made my way towards the canteen planning to call Trishala to tell her about my success. Actually, this felt more of my bestfriends' success.

I knew they would be happier than me to know that I got the job since they had tried so hard in convincing me .

I took out my phone and started dialling Trishala . All my focus was on my phone's screen which resulted in me getting bumped into someone.

I fell down and the person into whom I had bumped, too fell.

"Aaaaaahhhhh...Fuck You Bitch!!", She shouted.

Great. Could this day get any better??

Firstly, my dad then ,the HR then , Mr. Moron Chauhan and then Miss Abhiksha Roy again.

"I'm sorry. I was... I - did not see you. It was really unintentional.", I apologised even though I was pissed at her choice of words.

"Sorry?? Are you fucking kidding me?? I know this was intentional . I just spoke the truth in the morning and for that you felt so bad that you  planned this?? You ruined my entire dress you stupid bitch.",

She shouted pointing on her dress which got ruined when the coffee she was carrying got spilled all over her when she fell.

Her voice was enough loud to draw all the nearby employees' attention on us.

"I said I'm sorry for that and mind your language. I-," I was cut off by her and she started yelling,

"Mind my language?? You know what? I know people like you. Unprofessional whores who can do anything to get a promotion. Are you only like this or your mother-,"

The only thing I know is that before she could throw more dirt out from her gutter mouth, I slapped her.

And it was not just a slap. It was something which made her stunned for a moment. I guess she could not believe that it actually happened.

Her eyes, which earlier had anger were now replaced with something named shame .

She knew that her reputation was now ruined and I knew that this was going to be a hot topic for all the employees here.

"CEO's PA got slapped by a soon-to-be employee" or maybe something like that would be definitely heard right after this very moment.

She was about to hit me with the coffee mug she was holding when she suddenly saw something or rather someone behind me which made her stop.

"What's happening here?,"

Shit. Shit. Shit.

That's the only word running through my mind right now.

I am not even appointed as an employee yet and I'm already doing things that are going to make me kicked out of this company.

"Yatharth Sir", Abhiksha pushed me aside and  ran towards Yatharth to hug him. She started to cry as soon as she threw herself on him.

There is an opportunist. And then there is Abhiksha Roy.

"Miss Roy first of all please stop crying. You are not a kid. Secondly, please remember I am your boss , not your friend.I'm here to know the matter not to comfort you.",

With that, he pushed her off him  a little and that small gesture made me proud for some reason.

I pushed the smile back in my mouth and maintained the straight face.

"Miss Roy and Miss Sharma. In my cabin. Right now. ", He gestured with his hand for us to reach there in time which made me nervous.

We followed him to his cabin quietly.

As soon as we reached there and he sat on his chair, Miss Drama Queen's overacting started and she cried again.

"Yatharth I'll tell you what happened -", She was cut off by him again.

"Did I ask you to tell me what happened?", She shook her head sideways.

"Then keep your mouth shut. Miss Sharma you tell me what happened.",

Did he just really asked me to tell my side of story? That too without listening to his own damn assistant?

After a moment of surprise , I told him everything that happened. The incident in the morning as well as the one that happened a few minutes before.

I could feel Abhiksha's gaze on me as I told Yatharth about her behaviour.

After listening to me patiently, he looked at her and said,
"Miss Roy I would like you to apologise to Miss Sharma and promise that you will not bother her again.",

"But sir-", Yatharth's gaze was enough to shut her up.

She turned towards me.

"I'm sorry . I promise not to do this again.",

"That's much better and if you forget your promise Miss Roy, that would be your last day not only in Chauhan & Co but also in this industry,"

Was this the same Moron I mean Yatharth Chauhan that was rude to me in the morning?
God knows.

What I knew was that Miss Drama Queen did not stop for a second and rushed outside , her eyes unable to meet my gaze.

As soon as she was gone, Yatharth spoke,
"I supported you only because I felt she did wrong to you. Do not expect anything else from me.",

Ofcourse. After the milliseconds of being nice this was necessary.Afterall Mr.Moron Chauhan will have to prove himself what he actually is-

I did not replied anything and walked out of his cabin.

I did not feel like going to the canteen anymore.
I texted Trishala and Gayu to meet at our favourite spot in the evening.

After all this shit , I needed to do something to calm my mind.

Maybe a cup of coffee and a book would do something...

With this thought, I raced towards  my house.

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