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...."Black Magic Exists"
"He Looks Magical In Black Shirt"...

My body freezed.

I was numb for what felt like an eternity.

My limbs would just not move.

The guy with the knife was charging towards us.

Nope. Not the right time to give up.

As soon as this thought crossed my mind, by some miracle, I put my hand in my handbag and in a quick second ,took out the pepper spray .

Before he could comprehend anything, I sprayed it on his face with all my might.

The very next second I saw the guy squinting his eyes like crazy and continuously rubbing them.

"Arghhhhh!! You fucking bitch", he addressed me with some beautiful words .

I turned towards Ditya and saw she was already looking at me with her mouth open as if I was some magician and just showed her some extraordinarily amusing tricks.

"Are you okay?", I asked her.

"Yess. I guess so.",Not even a second had passed as she said this when I saw the companion of the guy with knife coming towards us angrily.

I guess he have had enough of his friend shouting like a goddamn hyena and wanted to take revenge.

He was running to us yelling as if we had eaten his last bite of momos.

Ok, I admit it's not the right time to think about food. That too when I already had two chocolate icecreams a few minutes ago.

He raised his right hand to hit me but before he could actually do that, I held it with my hand and slowly twisted it making it touch his back while he was screaming his heart out.

Damn. I never knew I was this strong .

"I'm sorry , Let me go.",he managed to say amidst his cries.

I looked at him and then at the guy on the ground still rubbing his eyes while screaming in pain. I honestly didn't know pepper spray was this painful.

"Let you go? Why ? Earlier holding her hand forcefully seemed soo bewildering to you. Now when I'm doing the same thing you wanna go?" I asked him.

He was about to say something but was cut of by the sound of slap ringing right in his ears.

After slapping this asshole , Ditya went to the other guy, got hold of him by collar and forced him to stand and as soon as he did that, she slapped him too.

I soo wanted to play That's My Girl by Fifth Harmony right now on blasting volume.

"Arrest these bastards ,officers."
I heard Gayu's voice from behind me and turned back to see two police officers.

I was too focused to notice her desertion till now.

The very next moment the police officers handcuffed them and dragged them out of the park while they were busy staring at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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