|°CHAPTER 72°|✔️

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If not for the invitation his parents sent him Arjun would have not cared to join such a boring part of his lifetime

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If not for the invitation his parents sent him Arjun would have not cared to join such a boring part of his lifetime.

He stood there in a white shirt tucked into his blank pants greeting people and guiding them to his parents

If not for the party, Arjun would have grabbed his bike and crashed a few places but then it was written his weekend is determined to get wasted.

The time passed and something felt missing! It was her
She should have been here! it was a party hosted by her parents too. Arjun was 100% sure she would be here and that was the only thing that got him excited but then she did not show.

Slowly the guests were guided to the dining hall and Arjun stood near the entrance with his client talking business, When a soft breeze hit him, a breath of fresh air and he looked up only to witness a walking goddess

Slowly the guests were guided to the dining hall and Arjun stood near the entrance with his client talking business, When a soft breeze hit him, a breath of fresh air and he looked up only to witness a walking goddess

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She was dressed up in a Royal blue dress looking like a walking dream, a diamond pendant twinkling on her neck. Royally ignoring Arjun as if he did not even exist Keerthana straight away walked to her parents but deep down she just wanted to avoid him so she had it together!

Arjun clenched his teeth and looked away as he walked away to the washroom, a few minutes later after calming the hell out of him!
He walked to the dinner area only to find her sitting with her parents and his parents at the dinner table.

Cursing his ill luck in all the 15 languages he knew he quietly walked to the table and sat right next to her.

Not his wish nor was hers! But that was the only chair unoccupied.

The wild strawberry scent hit him along with the nostalgic feeling! He still knows how her lips tasted on his and that was her hold on him and he hated how she affected him while she stayed unaffected.

And here Keerthana wished Mother Earth to swallow her! Her only aim for the event was to
She did the first two but ignoring Arjun seemed tougher than maths.

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