11 | WHAT?!

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I burst out laughing. I mean, vampires? That was HILARIOUS.

Once I compose myself, I speak. "Darn Jasper, you sure know how to joke. If this was all some prank then it was really good guys and I'll just be on my way" I state before getting up.

Suddenly Emmett speeds to me at an abnormal speed. He sits me back down.

I gasp and sit down. "It's real then, this is all real. The cold touch that you all have... Is that a vampire thing too?" I ask.

I see Rosalie look down in shame. I stand and walk to her and hold her hand to my cheek.

"It was you last night" I state. She nods and removes her hand. "I'm so sorry for invading your privacy like that Iris, me; Alice and Edward just came to check up on you while the others went hunting" Rosalie apologizes.

"It's alright, I'm not mad. Maybe just give me a head's up next time that three vampires will be in my bedroom with myself and my child that are both human" I smile, genuinely.

I sit back down and look at all of them. "You're not going to.. hurt me, are you?" I gulp.

Carlisle, Emmett and Esme laugh while the others stay stiff.

"Don't you worry your fragile self about that, we won't hurt you" Emmett smirks as he throws an arm around my shoulder.

I let out a breath in relief. "Thank god, I really thought I was about to die" I chuckle, as do they.

"We would never do anything even close to harming you" Edward assures. I smile and nod at him.

"I do have a few questions though" I say. "Ask away" Carlisle smiles.


"No, we don't sleep at all" Carlisle replies.

"What does food taste like?"


"Eww" I cringe.

"What about the sun?"

"We sparkle" he sighs.

"What?! You have to show me that one day"

"Will do"

"Explain your type of vampires to me" I request.

"Super speed and strength, enhanced beauty and senses. Golden eyes for animal drinkers; red for natural drinkers and black when thirsty" Carlisle explains.

I nod.

"And if you haven't already noticed. Jasper has the power of pathokinesis, the-"

"The ability to manipulate and sense other's emotions" I finish for him with a smile.

He nods before continuing. "Edward is a telepath, he can read minds" Cheeky. "Mhm" I hum looking at Edward who had a wide toothy grin on his face.

"Alice has the power of precognition, she can see the future. The outcomes of decisions we make. That's how we already knew of you" Esme states.

I smile at Alice and she smiles back before saying. "Rosalie has extra beauty and self-control. Esme has no power but has that motherly aura coming from her. Carlisle has extreme self-control and Emmett is stronger than all of us" she says.

"That explains the muscles" I nod. "One last question though.."

"Anything" Rosalie says. "Why did you all warm up to me so quickly? This is a small town, everyone is friends with everyone, and everyone tells me that you keep to yourselves.. so why me? What makes me special?" I ask.

Iris Dwyer | Cullens X OCWhere stories live. Discover now