14 | LA PUSH

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We arrive at the parking lot of La Push Beach. I am the first to exit the car. I take both Faye and my beach bag out of the backseat.

"Auntie Sue Clearwater; Joy Ateara and Tiffany Call will also be here Aunt Deena so you'll have someone to mingle with" I smile at my aunt.

We walk down on the beach before I spot auntie Sue, Joy and Tiffany sitting on a blanket.

They stand, seeing us approach them. "Hi Auntie Sue, Auntie Tiffany and Auntie Joy" I hug them.

"Oh my gosh, look at how much you've grown" Aunt Tiffany gushes over Faye.

"Look at this cuteness, I remember when Leah was this small. Oh how time flies" Auntie Sue sighs as she takes Faye from me.

"How have you been, Gia, Deena?" Auntie Sue asks. "I've been good Sue, I've heard a lot of good things from my sister in the past and little Izzy here so I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all" Aunt Deena smiles.

"Us too Deena" Auntie Tiffany smiles. "How about you Gia? Anything special going on in your life?" Auntie Joy asks.

"She's got a boyfriend" Auntie Deena exposes her daughter. The mothers gasp as me and Aunt Deena giggle while Gia blushes.

"Ooh, how old is he? Where does he stay? What does he do for work? Is he good- looking?" Auntie Tiffany rambles.

"He's 24, stays in Chicago too, he's a photographer and is very good looking yes" Gia replies.

"Aww, Model and Photographer. How cute" Auntie Joy teases. We all chuckle at that statement.

"You kids go on now, I'm sure Leah and the others want to see you" Auntie Deena states.

Me and Gia nod in response as Gia takes Faye and we walk off.

We see Quil; Jake and Embry sitting on their own blanket with food in some containers.

We sneak behind them and take a seat, beginning to have our own conversation.

The boys turn and I am immediately body slammed by Embry and Quil.

"We missed you you dork!" Quil exclaims. "I'm no dork, you band geek!" I snap back.

"I missed you though" Quil whines. "I missed you too Quil, and you too Embry" I hug Quil first before going over to Embry.

"How's the new school been?" Embry asks. "I wish you could've just stayed with us and come to La Push High" he adds.

"Same, but overall, school's been okay. Made great friends and all" I shrug.

"They get a hug and I don't?" Jake asks. "Nope" I turn the other cheek before getting tackled, thankfully on the blanket, into a huge hug.

As Jacob was about to ruffle my hair, I grab his wrist. "Touch my hair, we gon' have problems" I warn him.

He holds up his hands surrendering before going back to his spot. I then move to sit next to Gia and Faye.

"Okay guys, this is the famous cousin and model, Giana Bennett" I introduce.

"Hey" the boys all say. "Hi" she gives them a small wave. "How old are you?" Quil asks.

"Twenty-one" she replies. "Dang it" Quil complains.

"Ha ha, shame" I tease. "Anyways, we can't forget the little cutie, Faye Dwyer" I beam.

The boys all clap as Gia let's go of Faye, allowing her to walk up to the boys.

The first boy she walks to is Embry, she gives him a tight squeeze making my heart flutter. It was adorable.

Embry hugs her back before she is stolen by Quil. "You know, we were waiting for you to get here so we could swim" Embry states, looking at me.

Iris Dwyer | Cullens X OCWhere stories live. Discover now