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I was in the living room, reading, enjoying the sweet sensation of silence.

I get a call and turn to see it was Edward.

E- Edward. I- Iris. Ev- Everyone in the car (Edward; Jasper; Carlisle; Emmett and Alice)

I- Eddie, you okay?

E- We've lost the tracker, the woman's still in the area. Rosalie and Esme are going back to Forks to protect Chief Swan, Nova and Faye. We're coming to get you.

E- We will do.. whatever it takes to make you safe again Iris.

I- I love you Eddie.

I- I know you guys can hear me, I love you all.

Ev- We love you too

E- We'll see you soon

I- Bye.


"What did they say?" Bella asks me. "They lost the tracker, they don't know where he's going. Esme and Rosalie are going back to Forks to protect Uncle Charlie, Nova and Faye and the rest are on their way here" I reply.

"Okay, okay.. we'll be okay" she rants as I arch a brow at her while opening my book up again on the bookmarked page.

Bella leaves the room and goes into her bedroom, the girls were downstairs and buying supper. 

I bookmark the page I'm on and get up to go to the bathroom when I hear Bella yell at someone over the phone.

I peek into her room. "You good?" I ask. She nods her head before shoving me out the door and shutting it in my face.

"Okay, didn't have to be a bitch about it" I scoff before heading into the bathroom.


I wash my hands as I had finished my business. I dry them with a towel before exiting the bathroom.

It sounded awfully quiet. I look around and see no one or nothing. Silence has never made me more anxious than it has today.

I enter Bella's room to see, no one. She's left. Shit.

I look around the entire hotel and can't find her. "She's so gonna get herself killed" I sigh before heading over to the living room and grabbing my phone.

I call Bella and my call was declined.

I then call Eddie.

E- Edward. I- Iris.

"E- Izzy, we're on our way and Carlisle is coming as fast as he can. Alice had a vision of the tracker headed to some ballet studio. You and Bella stay put.

I- Edward, Bella's gone

E- What do you mean Bella's gone?

I- I mean that she left while the girls were out buying food and I was in the bathroom, I have absolutely no clue as to where she could-

E- what? Where she could what?

I- You said Alice had a vision of the tracker going to a ballet studio right?

E- Yes

I- Bella's there, for sure, no doubt. I don't know why but she must've been persuaded into going there.

I- Edward that studio is here in Phoenix. Bella used to take lessons there as a kid. The name of the studio is Mimi's School of Dance.

E- Okay, stay in the room and wait for the girls to get back. When they do, tell Irina and Tanya to come help. Kate will stay with you for protection.

Iris Dwyer | Cullens X OCWhere stories live. Discover now