Sunday, 29th of October! :3

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Hi people, happy sunday!

I have some news..

I think I figured out the species of my wolf Theriotype! I believe it is a sea wolf, could be wrong though. I think I might be questioning a lion (could be lioness but idk), I feel connected to pictures of lions and I tend to have shifts where I have lion-like features. My tail is long and thin-ish, slightly bushy. My ears are curled. But I'm confused about my mane, some shifts I have one, large and soft, yet some shifts I don't have a mane at all..? 

I assume you know I'm talking about phantom shifts 😭

Thats basically all about Theriotypes today cuz I woke up like an hour ago.

Human stuff:

I slept in for 3 hours longer than usual, woke up at 9am, but I think I needed it ;-;

I have to pack for school camp today, I'm going tomorrow!! I'm super excited, we're gonna be in a foresty area and I'm with my therian friends so we are gonna do lots of quads and hopefully have some shifts! I'm nervous about the food though, I'm super picky...

I'll update yall later!

I'll update yall later!

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11:29am update:

Ello my friends :D

I'm almost finished packing and feeling shifty so I'm taking a break. bringing my lynx tail to camp!! (Big thankyou to my friend for making it for me!) I might do some quads in my backyard today but my dad cut the grass so it might be too spiky, if so I'll do quads on my deck and maybe even go to the forest next to my house! I recently found 2 bird nests in my backyard so I'll check on those today. 

!Bye for now ~Aspen!

UPDATE! (6:26pm)

Started cleaning up this little space in my backyard to make a den in, it's pretty dirty but I'll get there. made a new tiktok, just a vid of the progress. I've only worked on it for 20 mins but i have a plan of what it'll look like and hopefully I'll have enough time home alone to finish it by 2024. 

If you wanna see my tiktok, too bad it doesnt exist anymore.

 here's a photo:

Pretty bad, huh? I'll be fixing it up and I'll give you results when it's done

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Pretty bad, huh? I'll be fixing it up and I'll give you results when it's done. keep in mind this will probably take a while.

On the other hand, here's some stuff that happened between 11:29am to now:

While cleaning my den a little, I found some cool stuff! 

1. I found a cool beetle (it was dead so I took it)

2. I added to my rock collection with some cool looking pebbles and things and I found a weird pebble that looks like some kind of fossil...

3. I found a skink (type of lizard) in my den! I watched it basking in the sun, but then my dog scared it away :(

I also had a long shift and it was one of those shifts where you actually remember what happened during it.. It was super faint though. I basically sunbathed the entire time.

~Bye again, Aspen

Okay I promise this is the last update!

I had pizza for dinner :D

Gtg to bed, gn!

bye bye, Aspen :D

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