🍂10th of December!🐾

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hey yall!

today was pretty chill

i listened to music and watching youtube almost all day

i bought a christmas tree today as well(its a real one), i haven't fully decorated it yet tho (i only put the lights on)

also, i think i might be an otherkin. i'm thinking my kintype is some sort of dragon. so way before i knew what a therian was, i kind of knew the concept of otherkins. as a little kid, i would have 'memories' of a past life or smth as a dragon. i had 'flashbacks' of my home, my family, and other things. I had shifts (i didn't know what they were at the time but I know now) and I would get dreams every night. in my dreams I lived in this big dome made out of plants that was filled with dragons, and I was too young to leave it. as I got older irl, i got older in my dreams an was eventually let outside of the dome. my dreams started becoming less frequent over the years, but now they are coming back more vivid, sometimes almost lucid. I know dreams aren't necessarily otherkin, but the shifts and memories/flashbacks could be.


i had chicken chippies for dinner (one of my most safe foods, close second to Dino nuggies)

i have school Christmas concert tomorrow night  😥

thats it, gn!


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