21st of Nov

83 8 6


Here's today's entry:

At school I did lots of writing, some when I got home too. At lunch break, I had a very unexpected and cool shift.

So it was a perception shift, as my vision of other people and my surroundings was different  to when the shift ended. Also a mental shift, and It was a wolf pack shift. My other friends with wolf theriotypes were shifting with me, and we were in a pack. I was the pack leader, as I was in my past life as a Sea wolf.  I was howling and barking and calling the pack over to me and protecting them from predators (other friends shifting with other theriotypes) I didn't even know it until after the shift that I can do howling vocals now! Pretty cool, right? something weird that happened as well was that one of my friends that doesn't have  wolf theriotype, and was having a brown hare shift, was kind of friends with me? Makes no sense because my instincts would've kicked in and I would've tried to eat it as prey, but for some reason me and my pack just left it alone. and it was coming over to my when I called my pack over, like it thought it was in our pack. Weird right?

anyway enough about the shift.

After school I played some Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing (New Horizons).

I also tried a new snack. (crackers with pickles and pickled onion)

For the rest of the day I'm pretty much gonna read, write, watch youtube, watch tiktok and listen to music.

Also, prologue, allegiances, warrior code and first page of Silver Waves is all posted, more coming soon! (Its still in the early drafting stage)

that's it for now, I'll update What I had for dinner later! 


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