6th of december (444 words wowzers)

42 6 9

hi yall! today was a good day but first i wanna say smth.

something weird is going on and i need some help. a follower sent me this link:


and it leads me to a website with all my works on it. all of them. and I've NEVER seen or used this website.

is this someone stealing my work? or a website connected to Wattpad where it shows works? idk but if possible i need ur help taking it down. thanks!

back to the entry:

today was rlly good. at school i had basically no work just writing and maths all day.

 then at recess it was the usual quads at the hill, but then at lunch play it was SO MUCH FUN! lemme explain;

 so me and my friends were doing quads at the hill.. and then we wanted to do quads in the sand pit bc it would remind some of us of the beach (i was a sea wolf and one of my friends thinks so too and also some of my other friends have sea animals/animals that live on the beach)  but that sand pit sucked. so we went to the other sand pit and that's where the magic happens.

 so we decide to maybe make a den, we try to then give up on the dirt bc of how many bugs there were, but then there was this plain place with just the ground, a teeny bit of sand and a bunch of leaves/pine needles idk so we cleaned off the pine needles and put fresh, soft sand and turned it into a quads practice/animal sparring place! then we decided 'yup this is our new territory' and began to make nests with pine needles, grass and soft sand (to sleep/rest in) we have a 'front yard' where we gonna be planting things and then we have loads of shady bits bc of trees (they're climbable btw) and there's also paths and big bushes we can hide in and there's rocks big enough to sunbathe on and there's a log to practice balance with quads and there's just so much! we are gonna continue making it until the end of the year, and start working on it again next year too.

tomorrow im bringing bags of the softest grass and plants i can find in my backyard so we can make more nests. i might bring my rock collection but idk. i feel like ppl might steal them.


after school is now (i just got home) and I'm probs gonna watch YouTube/Tiktok and play Roblox for the rest of the day

ill update later (ill say what i had for dinner and if anything else interesting happens)


i had chicken burgers for dinner :D

i also had swimming which was fun but also not. lemme explain;

so it was normal, then i had an otter shift and everyone was glaring at me and giving me weird looks. then when i got out of my shift i was doing a different stroke (butterfly kick/stroke) and i had an Angel Shark shift which i haven't had a shark shift in FOREVERRRRR which was cool. but I'm convinced all the ppl in my swim class hate me/think I'm weird.

oh and after swimming when i was leaving i grabbed a handful of grass and shoved it in my pocket 🤣 when i got home i put it in a bag and ill take it to school tomorrow

that's all for today, i gotta do some homework.

bye bye!


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