Saturday 20/07/24

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Hey ya'll! It's ya boyyyy Toby who just woke up at 1pm bc I can and it's the weekend.

Sorry, I forgot to write yesterday, I was real tired- But here's the recap of this week.

So, Monday was the first day back at school so nothing much happened that day, just school.

Tuesday was also pretty chill. Just school. Got a new book by my  favourite author Holly Jackson! I got A Good Girl's Guide to Murder and Good Girl Bad Blood [By Holly Jackson.] about a week ago, and on Tuesday I got The Reappearance of Rachel Price! Another book in my Holly Jackson collection.. hehe.

*This week nothing happened except school and sleep so I'm skipping to Friday.*

Friday was also just school but I actually did something instead of just school, food, read a bit and sleep! I hung out with a friend [Would tag em, but they don't have Wattpad as far as I know.] because him and his sister [Who is also a friend of mine, not sure if they have Wattpad either] moved onto my street coincidentally. So we just hung around in the forest with snacks and shit, pretty chill.

And now its Saturday and I have nothing to do.

Btw I drew the picture at the top on Gartic Phone, it's stunning, isn't it?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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