Monday the 6th of November! <33

87 7 2

Ello ppl!

Here's what happened today:

At school today the school was pretty empty so I got to do basically anything I wanted :D

I chilled with the art teacher and did random drawing and stuff

At recess + lunch break I did nothing, just rolling on the grass

Enough about school though..

I'm super sorry for not updating yesterday, but here's the update:

At my friend's house I went to the forest/park and we dug up bottlecaps that had facts in them! (they were buried in the dirt)

I also drank some of their home-made lemonade (delicious) and then I went home :/

It was kinda short but it was fun still!

When I got home I had a tea party for my 6 month anniversary of being awakened as a therian! check that out on my tiktok (the acc is in one of my past entries)

onto therian stuff

I did some quads today, it rlly hurt tho (bc of my sore wrist) :|

I'm still trying to figure out what type of lion my lion theriotype is and I dont know if its a male or female.

that's all for today

|I+I| -Aspen |I+I|

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