19th of Nov

45 4 0


sorry for late entry..
so today I was kinda bored so I played stardew valley for a while, then played trove which I haven't played in over 2 years! so that was fun, then I got bored of that so I went outside to do some gardening! I watered my flowers (red roses, white roses, and orange tulips.) I also cut down some plants that were getting a bit overgrown. my dad had to help my cut this old tree that was causing a problem (didn't cut it down, just trimmed it) which was hard. I also had to rip out a huge succulent (sad) but my mum said if I cut of a bit and put it in some dirt it'll grow! she said she's done it before so I'm trusting it will work. oh and in the morning I tried biscoff spread on a croissant! you can get it from coles. I had some instant noodles for lunch then just watched tiktok for the rest of the day. I had steak + salad + potatoes with DELICIOUS seasoning for dinner. my mum knows I like pickles and pickled onion so she bought my pickled red onion from my FAVORITE brand (wicked pickles). its 11pm rn but I don't wanna sleep so I might just watch youtube or tiktok.

that's all for today, buh bye!


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