Chapter 2: A New Spark Emerges

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When I got there I was annoyed to find out that the boy from before had sat next to me. He was talking with some other boys in the class. I didn't notice until now what he was wearing. He wore a black leather jacket, jeans and had tattoos on some parts of his body. I was about to say something to him, when my teacher, Ms. Shaw walked in.

"Alright class, please settle down and let me introduce you to our new student for the rest of the semester," She said. The boy got up and went to the front of the class.

"Hi. My name is Chad. And that's all you need to know about me." He said coldly. The teacher looked at him and sighed.

"You're sure there's nothing else you want to talk about?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." He said and walked back to his seat. His voice was so deep it made me shiver. So his name was Chad. What a nice name, I thought. Class started and I got to work. I wanted to ask Chad so many questions but we had to do a test and if I didn't pass I would be a disgrace to my family's name. I focused on getting enough answers right to pass. When I finished I was allowed to leave class early and have some free time out in the hallway before my next class. I wanted to listen to my music, but since Felicia ruined my MP3 player, I didn't have any way to do that. I left the class and went to my locker. I just needed to grab my study books and I would be off to the library. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder turn me around and shove me against the wall. I gasped and tried to escape the grip. I looked up and saw that it was Chad.

"Chad! W-What are you doing?" I gasped. He grinned, showing his perfect pristine teeth.

"Hey, I need your help with something." His deep voice whispered into my ear. I gulped under his strong gaze and stuttered

"W-W-W-With w-what?" He howled with laughter and got closer to me.

"I'm gonna need you to do all my homework from today. Alright sweetheart?" He said. I didn't know what to say. Sure, he was perfect in every way, but was it worth it? My heart started to beat faster. I could barely think. All I could think about was how close he was. "Well? Don't just stand there staring at me! What's it gonna be, sweetie?" He asked, sounding somewhat frustrated. I had to say something fast. What happened next happened so fast I didn't even realize I did it until after.

"Ah... f-fine! I'll do it!" I stammered.

"Heh. I knew I could count on you. I'll give it to you later." He said coolly. He walked away without even thanking me!

"Wha...? What happened- Yikes! Did I just agree to do ALL of Chad's homework?" I panicked. I wasn't exactly the smartest student in school, so if I messed up, he'd blame me for it. What was I gonna do! I couldn't bear to think of what might happen if I got him a bad grade on something. "

"LOSER. WHAT were you doing with Chad?" Fumed Felicia.

"Gah! F-Felicia! I- I was just... uh..." I stuttered.

"Whatever! I don't wanna hear any lame excuses. But I'll have you know. You go ANYWHERE near Chad and it won't be pretty. Got that?" Felicia interrupted.

"Umm. Slight problem." I said quietly.

"WHAT? There is no problem! Just do what I say! What is this "problem" you speak of?" Yelled Felicia.

"W-W-W-W-W-Well... I-I kinda... sorta... totally agreed to do all of Chad's homework. Heh..." I stammered.

"Y- you. WHAT? Will you be doing it with him?" screamed Felicia.

"N-No... I don't th-think s-so. I think I'll be doing it at my place. Without him." I replied.

"Oh! Well, that's fine! You deserve all the extra work you can get! I'll let you go near him to get the homework. But that's IT. You do anything else? You'll deal with me. See ya later, moron!" Felicia said and skipped away. Ugh. I deserve all the extra work I can get? As if! I already work super hard to do my schoolwork. She gets super high grades, but that's cuz she pays her genius brother to do it for her. And for tests? She forces her brother to take the test draft and write down all the answers for her. I found out, but she threatened to tell everyone about my secret if I ever told anyone. And I'm dealing with enough pain at the moment.

I decided to head over to the library to do a bit of reading before my class. I love reading books with hot, strong, manly guys and imagining myself with them. It's my other happy place other than listening to Kaachi. I never thought they'd exist in real life, but Chad is all of those things packaged into a super pretty package. I daydreamed about him so much that I didn't even notice the bell rung. I only noticed once my science teacher, Mr. Fucelli burst in.

"Y/N! What do you think you're doing? Class started 15 minutes ago!" Shouted Mr. Fucelli.

"I- it did?" I asked.

"Yes! It DID!" Yelled Mr. Fucelli. I looked at the clock. Yowza! He was right! How did I not notice?

"G-gee! I-I'm really so-sorry, s-sir! I-I di-didn't notice!" I stuttered. Mr. Fucelli sighs a dramatic sigh.

"Look. I know you're not a class skipper, but you still need discipline. I'll let you off easy with one half hour of detention. Don't let it happen again." Sighs Mr. Fucelli.

"Y-yes sir! I won't, sir!" I said quickly. "Now get to class. We're working on our planet research." Said Mr. Fucelli sternly. I walked into class and tried to ignore the stares and the whispers. I could hear Felicia and her friends giggling. I got out my ChromeBook and started researching my planet. You could work in a group if you wanted, but no one wanted to be with me. My planet was Venus. I was writing about the gases on Venus when I noticed I got an invitation to work on a Google Doc. The message said: you can start with my work right now. Ah, it was from Chad. I found out that his planet wasn't actually a planet, but one of the moons. Titan, to be exact. I started multitasking, writing things about Venus, and Titan. I was so stressed out and overwhelmed with the amount of work that I could barely focus. I looked over at Chad to try and distract myself. His eyes were so charming. He's just so hawt! I can't take my eyes off him! Suddenly he looked at me and my cheeks flushed a deep red colour 😳. I looked away, embarrassed. I'm just sooooo quirkly, why would he look at me like that. After a couple minutes of pretending to focus on my work, the bell rang. "Alright, time for lunch. You may leave, children." Said Mr. Fucelli. I started walking to the cafeteria, when Felicia stepped on my untied shoelace.

"Oopsie! Sorry, loser!" She laughed. I started to sob uncontrollably. She sneered and kneeled down next to me. "Aww what's wong. Is someone having a bad day? Maybe you should go cry to your daddy." She said, knowing full well what that meant to me. Even though I was normally calm I got so angwy and punched Felicia right in the face. She punched me back and before we knew it we were cat fighting on the ground. Punching and hitting each other.

"Ladies! Ladies! There's enough of me for each of you!" Laughed Chad. I stopped punching and looked up to Chad. If this was any other guy I would've punched him too, but it was Chad. How could I hurt his perfect body? If I damaged his chiseled face, I would never forgive myself! Felicia got up and ran over to Chad.

"Babe." She said, fake crying. "She kicked me and punched me for no reason. Please give her what she deserves from me, I'm too weak compared to you!"

"As if." I yelled. "She was making fun of my dead dadd- I mean dad."

"And now you're accusing me of lying? What kind of best friend are you?" She fake sobbed.

"I'm not friends with you and I never will be!" I shouted back. Chad pushed Felicia off him and walked over to me. Felicia whined, pouted and sashayed away in a hurry. I stepped back from Chad in defense and put my arms up in front of me. He softly put his soft hands on my arms and pulled them away from my face.
He held my chin up to his with his hand. I closed my eyes and prepared for his l!p$.

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