Chapter 8: Dream Come True

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I could go to Strawberry's house but probably not after what happened. I wouldn't want her mom to hit me this time. I just saw Jasper this morning, so maybe someone else. Now who else do I know...? Hmm. Oliver? Felicia? Who could it be? OOOOOH! I know! Steve Travis! I-I mean CHAAAAAAAD! MY HOT dreamY BAKA BABY! But I don't know where he lives even though I know everything else about him which is totally not stalkerish at all! Maybe I'll just ask around, he probably lives in the richer part of town near Felicia. I went up to an elegant dude and asked him.

"Yo fam, you seen a hot dreamy but bakaish dude with black hair 'round here?" I asked, trying my best to sound formal. The elegant dude's nose wrinkled at the sight of me and walked away, muttering 'filthy commoner'. I talked to some more people, like a cute blonde dude screaming about someone named "Haruhi," and some random rich people. But none of them knew where he was. Suddenly a truck came up behind me. I thought it was going to hit me but it turned out it was Steve Travis.

"Hey pardner, how can I help yee on 'dis fine day?" He said funnily.

"Hey Steve Travis, Imma lookin' fo a dude named Chad. Yeehaw! You almost ran him over yesterday."

"Ah Yes!" He laughed.

"Yeah, I 'member 'im. Thought hee was a goner fo' shure. Anyways yeah I know 'im. Prolly just up the street a bit. Second house on the left end of the street. Hopefully dat helps you cowgirl."

"Thanks Steve Travis, I really needed dat." I said, running away.

"No problem, stay safe out 'dere. It's a dangerous world." He said and drove away. I jumped up and down, excited to see Chad and finally meet his family. I started running down the sidewalk but didn't look where I was going and ran into someone.

"Oh gese there I go again. I'm so clumsy." I said awkwardly. I looked up hoping it was Chad but it was actually Strawberry! My bestiiiiiiiiiiiiie looks nervous but better than she was when I saw her at Oliver's place. "Strawberry!!!" I squealed and gave her a big bear hug.

"H-Hey Y/N. What are you doing here?" She said, her voice less jumpy and happy than it normally is.


"But you live on the other side of town." She said, pulling away from me and hugging the side of her stomach.

"Are you sick?" I asked, ignoring her response. Her eyes widened in realization and quickly took her hand off.

"No... No, I'm fine. I'm just returning home and I'm nervous. Well, to put it simply. I have no idea what I'm going to do!" Strawberry said, her voice cracking. "What will happen when she sees me again? She can kick me out but I know that would probably be the best punishment she could give me. Could you walk me back to my place? You don't have to come inside but I just... need some moral support right now." I mentally screamed NO but I had to obey the laws of the friendship world.

"Okay Okay, I just can't be there for too long. I've got something else important to do." I said and started walking forward. Strawberry followed without saying a word. The environment felt extremely tense so I tried to joke around a bit.

"So how were your nights with Oliver!?" She looked at me, her eyes full of emotion and built up stress.

"What do you mean? I was wounded all of the time I spent there. There's not much chemistry that can be built up when you see someone half naked, unconscious and bleeding from an open wound. Not to mention the fact that they found me on the street like a dying homeless person. Besides I'm pretty sure my chances with him were dead in the water already. I shouldn't get my hopes up for this stupid thing called love." I actually felt kind of bad for her. I mean my life still sucks but at least I have Chad and Jasper, she has nobody. "S-Sorry! Sorry, I shouldn't have yelled like that. I'm just so exhausted and worried. Love is the last thing on my mind right now and I have to be ready to face my real problems."

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