Chapter 1: A Rough Beginning

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(Hey guys, Authors note. My n-name's Timmy and this is my first book. I call it a fanfic but it's not weally. It's a story I wrote. Pls don't make fun of my grammar, I'm only 10 okay. I'll bock you if you try to make fun of me okey. Anyways enjoy mo story brahs)

I woke up early in the morning and shook my dark golden locks side to side. My diamond blue orbs blinked as I took in the lovely sun. I wished I was still asleep and dreaming about a paradise of my own creation. I knew I would have to get up at some point, but I really wished I could keep dreaming. Life had so many difficulties and responsibilities. All I wished for was a man to come and love me. But who would love me? I'm just a clumsy girl with no outstanding features. Thinking of all this, I got out of bed. I made myself breakfast and thought about my dead parents. If only they hadn't died in that car accident, then maybe I wouldn't feel so lonely. This is one of the reasons I want a lover. I'm so sad whenever I eat alone. I want someone to eat with me.

I realized that if I kept thinking about this I would start crying into my froot loops. They would taste salty like my tears. I decided to let it slide for now. I scarfed down my cereal and headed off to my room to change. I put on my wrinkly school uniform and hoped no one would notice how wrinkly it was. I get bullied a lot at school and I have no friends so I have no one to turn to. I used to have one friend, Felicia, but she turned out to be fake. She's now one of my bullies, hanging out with my other bullies. I later found out that she just wanted to humiliate me in front of everyone, especially the guys. She also wanted to make a TikTok with her dumping me. Anyways, even though I looked semi okay in the mirror, no boy would ask me out. I always sat at my table in the cafeteria and hoped someone would notice me.

Sighing, I walked out of the house after putting on my shoes. I popped my headphones in and started listening to my favourite song by Kaachi to try and cheer me up. I've always loved Kaachi ever since they started. They just seem so quirkly. They were the best things in my pitiful life. Their songs always made me cheer up. As well as not being friends with anyone, I'm not the smartest kid in school. It seems like not even my teachers think I'm cool. My hands start dancing to the music. Oh dang! It's so late! I'm going to miss the bus! Ever since mom and dad died, no one can drive me to school. I take the bus, which sucks, because some of my bullies also take the bus. Sighing dramatically, I grab my bag and run to the bus. I'm completely out of breath when I get to my bus stop.

"Are you alright?" says a boy's voice. I look up to see a boy standing next to me. His orbs are a beautiful hazel, and his luscious hair is as black as the sky at midnight. I feel my heart beating faster as I stare at his chiseled face. He's like something right out of my dreams.

"Uh... H-h-hey! I-I'm fine! Th-thanks for asking!" He looked at me somewhat coldly.

"Good, because I couldn't care less about you." He muttered. I felt my heart drop. I really wished that this boy could be my first real friend.

"O-oh. Okay..."  I began to cry ever so slightly. He rolled his eyes and got on the bus. "Ahh! Wait! Don't leave!"  I ran as fast as I could towards the bus. "Phew! That was a close one."

"Oh look! The special resident of Loserville! What's life like on the other side of the town?" It was Felicia, the biggest bully in school. What a stinking jerk, I thought. I don't even know why we were friends in the first place.

"I-it's p-p-pretty s-swell w-without y-y-y-y-you." I spat back. Why did I sound so cringe? I can't understand it.

"Aww. Is the little moron scared? Poor little Y/N!" She laughed. I turned away, embarrassed and walked to my seat. Felicia stuck her leg out and I tripped over it. Everyone on the bus started laughing, except for that new boy. I couldn't understand it. Why was he being nice if he didn't care about me? Why? I silently walked to my seat and flopped down. I popped in my headphones and started listening to untamed wild boys, my favourite boy band, when someone suddenly took the headphones off of my head. It was Felicia! "Hey, Y/N, what are you listening to?" She asked sassily.

"H-hey! Give it back!"

"No way! I just wanna see what this is!" She laughed. She put the headphones on and started listening. "OMG! This music is horrible! You totes need to change your music taste! I thought your lack of beauty and charisma like mine was bad enough, but you like this garbage? LOL, I'm totes LMAO!" I tried to get them back, but she's taller than me, so she just held them out of my reach.

"Felicia! Just give it back already!"

"I will if you can get them from me! And if not? You can say goodbye to your precious little MP3 player!" She scoffed. I tried and tried, but I was too short. "Hmph. Time's up!" She giggled. And then she tossed my MP3 player out of the window. I watched in horror as a car ran over it. I started sobbing. That was the only way I could listen to my music. "You can thank me later. I just saved your ears from that trashy music!" She said, and turned away from me to bully someone else. I sat back in my seat and sulked. As if I needed anymore bad things to happen in my life.

I noticed the black haired boy looking at me. I tried to ignore it, but it was so hard! His gaze penetrated my heart and made my senses tingle. He looked away quickly once he noticed my eyes were on him. I blushed. I couldn't stop thinking about that incident. Why did he look at me like that? No boy has ever looked at me like that. All the other boys look at me with judginess in their eyes. But his eyes had admiration and longing in them. I decided to forget about it for now. Or at least try to forget. I needed to focus on school.

The bus arrived and everyone jumped up from their seats and dove off the bus like a pack of hyenas. I took my time so I wouldn't trip on everyone. I started walking off the bus when I spotted Felicia and her friends pointing at me and laughing. Typical Felicia. I probably had something on my nose again. I scrubbed my nose with my sleeve and kept walking. I wanted to avoid contact with Felicia and her gang at all costs but the sidewalk was only so big. I strolled by them, keeping myself as close to the wall as possible but our shoulders were still close enough to brush. She suddenly grabbed my arm and threw me out into the road. I fell on my hands and knees and hit my head. My vision was hazy and confusing but I heard the honk of a bus horn and the screeching of brakes. I was right in front of a moving bus. It was going to hit me! I struggled to get away when I heard a loud voice scream and I felt my body being tugged away and off the road as the bus was just about to hit me. It was the new kid! He cradled me in his big strong arms and looked down at me, concerned. I lay helpless against his chest, wishing that it was just me and him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sounding genuinely concerned about my well-being. I was shocked but happy that he talked to me in a much nicer tone of voice than earlier. I managed to speak a bit.

"Y-yes. Thank you f-for saving m-m-m-m-m-me." He put me down when he realized everyone was watching us. Felicia looked furious. I knew immediately that she liked the new boy. A lot of boys have crushes on her, but the new boy seemed uninterested in her. Maybe he was interested in little ole' me. Nah, that couldn't be it. What boy would like me anyway? I got up but almost slipped again on my shoelaces. The boy caught me again and stared into my eyes. "Oops! Sorry! Ah, I'm so clumsy!" I laughed. Felicia snarled and walked away, her friends rushing after her.

The Black haired boy picked me back up and walked away looking embarrassed. "W-wait! I-I didn't get your name!" I called after him. He kept walking though. "What's his deal?" I pouted ☹️.

I turned and flew to my classroom.

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