Chapter 14: Pulling Deeper

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I was so saddened to hear the next morning that our camping trip was almost over. It felt like it had just begun yesterday and now we have two more days left. Also when we go back we have exams and I know I'm definitely not going to pass them. And then Cory will send me a million texts asking me why I didn't pass which I'll ignore as usual. It's too much stress for my poor brain to take. But maybe if I cheat I could pass, after all I don't want to leave my friends behind. Everything had gone by so fast and I wasn't ready to go back to our miserable city in a couple days. I looked at my phone to see if he had texted me at all after last night. Instead I saw a text from Strawberry. It read: Hey Y/N what's up, you probably won't see this until later but I built up the courage and explained everything to Oliver. He was worried but glad I felt okay, he also told me that Felicia was getting suspicious of us always talking so I should probably stay away from him for a bit. He said he likes hanging out with me but doesn't want to lose his relationship with Felicia. It really hurts to watch him be manipulated like that but if that will keep him happy I should obey. Guess you'll be hearing from me a lot for the next couple days. Clementine had to sleep in my room last night per my mother's order, it wasn't too bad. She did give me and Oliver some privacy and left the room for a bit. At least she can help me if I have an episode. Anyways, let's make the last few days of our camping trip fun and exciting before we go back home 😁. Yes, the ship is back on sail, kind of. Stupid Felicia always has to ruin everything. I realized it was kind of early but decided to get up anyway. Chad was still asleep, his majestic body shone in the morning light. I caressed his hair gently so as not to wake him. He looks so beautiful and I can't believe he likes me. He opened his eyes slightly and smiled.

"Well, you're up early. Did you want some morning k!$$es?" He said slyly. I blushed and pushed the covers over his head playfully. He laughed and got out of bed with me. We both got dressed and headed down to the cafeteria. Finally I'd be able to eat a proper breakfast. When we got there it was almost completely empty except for a couple counselors. I did recognize Oliver though, who was working in the kitchen. He looked super goofy in his chef outfit but as long as the food tasted good I wouldn't mind. I saw Strawberry sitting alone with her cheek on her fist on the table, staring off into space. I slammed the table with my hands which startled her.

"Y/N! Oh my gosh, don't do that!" She giggled. I sat down next to her, laughing. Chad looked reluctant and walked away to a different table. I was going to get up after him but wanted to talk to my best friend after everything that's happened.

"Ow,  rough much? Did something happen between you two?" She asked, staring at me. "No, not exactly. Besides the normal make out sesh, we almost went even further last night. He tried to take off my night shirt, it was so exciting! Sadly some guard came in and ruined the fun but it was still so amazing. Actually I think he's more upset with you." I squealed, thinking of the intimate night we spent together.

"What, me? He barely even knows or talks to me, did I say something to offend him? Is he still offended about what I said a couple months ago about his jawline?" She panicked.

"I don't know." I said, kicking my feet up on the table. "He said you made the security tighter and he can't even go see a friend without the guards seizing and dragging him back to the dorm involuntarily." Strawberry's eyes widened and she snapped her fingers.

"Oh so that's why he was out of his dorm, I saw him walking down the hallway before I went to bed. But wait, do you know if Chad has any other friends? Because I'm pretty sure I saw him go into Felicia's room last night." I almost fell backwards out of my chair. I felt someone catch me, I looked up to see Oliver's face.

"Jeez Y/N, careful. You could've hurt yourself." He chuckled and pushed me back up. "Sorry to intrude on your conversation but who went into Felicia's room?" I glanced at Strawberry and motioned for her to tell him. This was finally her chance to break them up and rid him of that awful toxic relationship.

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