Chapter 3: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back!

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(Timmy's Author Note, UWU Can you guys guess what happens next? Write in the comments if you guessed correctly. Again no mean comments or I wull bock you.)

Chad leaned in closer towards me and whispered in my ear. "Sorry Princess." He said and slapped me right across my face. I fell backwards onto the ground, gasping for air. His punch was so strong! I was as in love as I was in pain, which was very. I blushed, hoping he'd think my cheeks were just red from his slap. He snered and waked away.  I was somewhat irritated, but I pushed it down. I couldn't stay mad at Chad. He was so perfect that it didn't matter what he did. My eyes looked angwy, but I was smiling. "Ch-Chad..." I whispered, the love I felt for him blatantly obvious by my blushing face. Everyone was laughing at me but I couldn't care less. I picked up my things I dropped and skipped away happily. I got through the rest of my boring classes and school was done! My bestie was waiting for me at the bus stop. I ran over to her and grabbed her arms. "Look what happened to me." I screamed excitement. She starred at me and shook away from me. "Yaah Y/N" She exclaimed. "Why does this always happen to you!" "Can you guess who did it? Come on guess!" She sighed and got on the bus that had arrived. I followed her and sat beside her. "HMm I doN't KNoW," she said teasingly. "Maybe ChAD!" She screamed very loudly for everyone to hear. I punched her on the arm. "Yaah don't just shout it for everyone to hear, what if Chad takes the bus." I whispered. She laughed with a light, teasing tone, but it was kind of annoying. "Ohhhh that'll NeVer HappEN!" She whispered back to me. Suddenly a voice came behind us. "Didn't expect to see you again Y/N!" I froze when I heard the voice. Awkwardly, I eyed my bestie, Strawberry. She smirked at me and gave me the fluttering eyes. I turned to look at Chad and blushed. I keep forgetting how out of this world he is. That muscular body... that chisiled face.... THOSE dreamY SPARKLING EYES! EEEEEEEEEE! I smiled dreamily. Strawberryelbowed me in the side. "Someone's in loooooove," she said, obnoxiously. "Wh-what? No! I don't like him! She does!" I said, pointing at a random girl. "What?" She asked.  Chad leaned over the seat, getting closer to my face. "Oh really, I think it's you who likes me. Why else would you keep blushing?" He said giving me a raised eyebrow. "I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm j-just hot! Th-that's all!" I stuttered. "Uh...hello! It's WINTER!" Said Strawberry. "Wrong. You're not hot, I am." Said Chad. I mean he's not wrong, I thought to myself. "Hey! Don't talk about my bestiiiiiie that way!" Shouted Strawberry. "I'll talk to anyone however I want. You can't stop me, what with those weak flabby arms compared to these pipes." He's soooooo hawt..., I thought. Strawberry's face got flustered red like a Strawberry. "Strawberry! You're a Strawberry!" Chad teased. Strawberrysat down with a huff. "Shut up Chad. I don't like you and neither does Strawberryso leave us alone." I said in my most uncomfortable voice. "Oh CHADDYKINS!" Said an awfully familiar voice. OH CRAP. I thought. Even Chad rolled his eyes. "Oh, there you are, CHADDYKINS! Wanna come over to my 10 million dollar mansion? I have a pool!" She squealed. "Bro, it's winter." Said Chad. "Well, I wouldn't mind seeing your glorious abs." Said Felicia. He sighed and pushed her away. She gasped dramatically and walked to sit next to her boyfriend. "Who's that, Felicia?" He asked in a pure innocent voice. "Ohhhhh... just a friend..." She lied. "Oh, okay! I trust you!" He said, happily. Felicia was trying not to burst into laughter. I knew she was cheating on Oliver, but she threatened to get me expelled if I said anything about it. I caught her k!$$!ng another guy, Leon, in the bathrooms. Now she's trying to get with Chad. How does she do it? Chad turned back towards me and quickly pecked me on the cheek while looking at her and sat back down. Felicia threw her Starbucks drink on the floor and scowled. Oliver turned to look at her. "Babe, what's wrong. Is everything okay?" He said, purely. "Yeah, everything's fine." She said, gritting her teeth. "That's good! I was worried... you threw your Starbucks. Do you want me to buy another one for you? I hate it when you get angry and sad. I just want you to be happy."  It was painful to watch just how much Felicia had manilpulated him. She has to have manipulated him a whole bunch in order to get him to think SHE was NICE. He's a nice guy, but Chad's more my type. Perfect in every way. Strawberry nudged me. "Did you SEE how he k!$$ed you? You smiled while it happened, too. You're so in love." "Excuse me, Oliver, but there is something I MUST do," Felicia said. "Of course, honey," Oliver said, his eyes sparkling with innocence. Felicia came to my side. "Approach Chad one more time and you'll regret it," she hissed. "Shut up. No one likes you, Felicia," said Strawberry. She was SO much braver than me. "YOU SHUT UP!" She whisper shouted. She went and sat back down with Oliver. "I was just talking to my other f-fri...end..., Y/N." "Okay! It's good to talk with people you like!" He beamed. "Y-yeah... people I like..." She said while staring daggers at me. Me and my bestie sat back down and snickered to each other. But I knew that Felicia wouldn't let me live this down. But now she really needed to make sure she was nice to me around Oliver, or Oliver would know she lied. The bus drove to my house and dropped me off. I saw a car in the driveway. Aw great, it's my step-brother, Cory. He was always teasing me about my little crushes on hot anime men. So what if I like Mineta from MHA? He's just so fricking hot!!! You know who's not hot? Gray Fullbuster! So there, everyone who watches fairytail! Strawberryloves him, I don't know why the heck! My step-brother got out of his car and shook his hair in the wind. He smiled when he saw me and ran over. "Y/Nieeeeeeeeeeeeee, I knew you'd be home. You still like that horrible grape runt?" Asked Cory. "Brooooo..... Quit it! And yes! I do!" I snapped. "So you admit that he's horrible!" He laughed. He scrubbed the top of my head. "Sooooo... how's school going? Got a booooyfriend yet? You never talk to me anymore. You know you can't live on pictures of Mineta forever." He said, smirking at me. "Ugh. No, not yet. But..." I trailed off. "But what?" He asked, his eyes wide with excitement. "Come on, tell me, tell me, tell me!!!" I rolled my eyes and went inside without answering. Cory was about to run after me when he stopped and opened his car door. A beautiful woman stepped out. She had turquoise hair and flaming red eyes. She seemed like a character straight from MHA. She looked at Cory and hugged him, before k!$$!ng him on the l!p$. I cringed and closed the door with a slam. "Y/N, this is my girlfriend, Serafina." "You mean Fiancée." She said, in a Lovey-Dovey way. "Please come out. Please? I want you guys to meet!" He sulked. I accepted defeat by social convention and went outside. The woman, Serafina, came over and shook my hand. "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I'm Serafinaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! We're about to be best friiiiiieeeeeeends!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" I awkwardly stared at her. I could already tell she sucks. "Hi, I'm Y/N. I don't want to be here. Goodbye." "Oh, come one," she squealed, "Don't you want to be with meeeeeeeee? We could be best friiiiiiieeeeeeeends!!!!!!!!!!!"  I gritted my teeth. I didn't know how much of her I could endure. "Cory, save me." I pleaded. "From meeeeeee? Whyyyyyyyy?" Asked Serafina. "Y/N, give her a chance! She's great! Trust me!" Said Cory. "That's what you told me when you built a spaceship for Mr. Squeaky. Rest in peace." I reminded him. "Okay, okay. So maybe I'm not the best spaceship mechanic. Or cook. Or teacher. Or..." He said. "I get it. You're just bad at everything." I said. He pouted. "All I'm saying is you shouldn't only look at the surface. You've gotta look further," Cory remarked. I shrugged. "You sound like Dhar Mann." I teased and ran inside the house. "Hey! I thought that was good advice," he said, laughing. "Wait for   meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," Serafina said, her over-enthusiastic voice booming over the traffic. I know I should be happy if she makes Cory happy, but I just can't imagine spending holidays with her! Sure, I don't see Cory that often, but even the thought of spending only a few holidays with her makes me shudder. I tried  to smile, but I couldn't. "Aw, cmon, Y/N! Why the long face? Your favourite brother is here to see you!" He beamed. "Cory. You're my only brother." I said. "Details, details." He said. I grimaced. "What's up with you today? You used to love my jokes!" He asked. "It's nothing." I lied. The truth was that I was pondering how to make sure that bossy jerk Felicia didn't take my perfect Chad from me. "Uh-huh." He said, not convinced in the slightest. I knew he was waiting for me to fess up. Well, no way was that gonna happen. I have enough problems at the moment. I don't need my brother to get involved with my love life. "Seriously, Cory. I'm fine." I said. "Um...okay then." He said. I proceeded to walk up to my room and look at some more photos of Mineta. The weird thing was, they didn't seem to fill me with the same joy they used to, not after Chad entered my life. I began thinking about how I should replace most of my pictures of Mineta with pictures of Chad. Of course, I couldn't get rid of all the pictures. Especially not my favourite one! So dreamy! Cory yelled from downstairs. "Y/N, I made dinner. Also I know you're not doing your homework and staring at pictures of Mineta. Stop!" "What? How did you know?" I asked. "Simple deductive reasoning." He replied, sounding like L. "Yahhhh, you're so dumb Cory." "Says the person who doesn't even cook her own brother dinner!" "You always volunteer to do it!" I said. "Yeah, cuz I'm nice unlike you." He said. "Cory! I am nice!" I shouted downstairs. "Then why not to me, hmm?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs. Everyone ate in awkward silence. Except for Serafina. "Sooooooo! How was school today, Y/N? I hope it was AWESOOOOOOOME!" She squealed. She legitimately sounds like a three year old. "Fine." I said quickly. Suddenly I thought of Chad and started to blush. Serafina noticed and laughed. "Ooooohh is something wrong Y/N, you're BLUSHING!" Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Einstien. "Yup. I knew it. YOU'VE GOT A CRUSH! What's his name? Is he cute? Is he nice? What does he like? What's his favourit-" Cory asked enthusiastically. "Shut it." I said while cutting him off. "Even if I had a crush, WHICH I DON'T, I wouldn't know that much about him after one day." Cory laughed knowingly, which irritated me to the EXTREME! He thinks he's sooooo smart, figuring out that I had a crush, but he can't even design a basic spaceship. Anyways, I picked at my food. Thinking of Chad made me lose my appetite, because he was all I could focus on.

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