Chapter 2 | The other sons and daughters

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Take a visit across the pond. Pass the Atlantean islands and into the Biscayan islands.

Take just a shy jump north and we meet the isolatiated madam of Europe, the United Kingdom.

Welcome to Ol' Blighty's heart, London.

While not terribly futurized due to the British obsession with some of their UNESCO and cultural sites, certain areas were the lucky recipients of the upgrades to the architecture. The Mix of the Future and London is somewhat an odd mix, but they did their best to make the aesthetic work

A European Union meeting was happening soon.

Although Britain is not a signatory of the EU, and more rather a "Close Associate", she has been chosen as the meeting place for the upcoming meeting. These are usually called in response to the Elections of the United States in preparation for if American Foreign Policy changes with the coming of the new president.

That is the least of their worries for right now, if. England believed the Agenda of the meeting. Currently, their biggest concern is about how to police the commercialized space.

The nation was a bit tired, and trying to handle Cosmic Piracy should be an American worry in his humble opinion.

Parking his car, after cursing at a bus, the man had opened the door and began climbing up. England was up in a respectable, traditional suit, holding to a briefcase, shielding himself from the morning sun that had come to blind his eyes.

"Bloody hell, that big flaming bastard's awfully bright today..." he commented.

"Top of the Morning England!" Ireland was heard to call. The Irish woman in a business suit, fixing up her collar and her cap. Her strong Irish accent lined each of her words, and held nothing but that energetic joy of the morning, "T'day's going to be a good day, isn't it?"

England waved back giving a flat smile, cracking his neck, "Suppose it's going to be a good day. American Elections, the Queen's visiting Canada, and my Military finally reached its recruitment goals for this year."

"Oh good!" She had come and rested a hand on his shoulder making him tense up, "All that means is that I can use more of my money to give my people some drinking wallets~!"

That sing-song voice was going to make him lose his sanity at some point if she keeps wasting money like that.

British Civilians in the vicinity began to move away, sensing conflict.

Unless you are the type of person who wouldn't mind a little bit of conflict in their lives.

"Go spend it on something actually worthwhile why don't you-!"

"NEIN!" A thick accented voice made them immediately tighten up at the sheer Authority within.

Turning around, hearing the heavy leather boots and the clinking of a briefcase, they look over at the owner.

Dressed in a dark gray business suit, with slicked back blonde hair, and eyes of cold steel, Mr. Germany has arrived, and he was as stiff and strict as ever.

"You 2 are supposed to be setting examples as island nations of Europe!" He began, looking at them disapprovingly, "You should not be acting like children, especially before the meeting room!"

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