Chapter 8 | A little bit of humanity

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An Android held her weapon, looking at the Civilians passing by.

She and her unit was deployed to Atlanta, alongside a few human squads from the Georgia National Guard. Her left hand was open palm, watching as she was able to manipulate a flame using the special processing unit and Mana batteries within her.

Kids before her watched as she was able to use the flame to make shapes and a cool little light show. A few kids started to mimic her, also tapping into their Thauma and playing around with fire.

Though the task was silly, she enjoyed it. She felt a smile rise to her face as she watched these human children copy her.

"Hah..." next to her, a sergeant - human - chuckled as he gets up, "Have fun now Sarah," he goes off and starts talking with a corporal who was confused on what this whole event was about.

Behind her was a JLTV and an M30 Bradley-II OFMV. Atlanta was celebrating something and they wanted to use the National Guard to help show it off, since it was armed forces related.

There was also an M5A2, looking proud and mighty alongside the M1A5 Abrams, the M10A2 Booker, the M5A1 Guardian, and M5A3 Heavy Ripsaw. People fawned over the awesomeness of firepower and excitedly talked with the crews.

Combat Robots and some UGVs were rolling around, their AI alerting that they were in friendly territory and all around them were civilians. Some of the Combat Robots, like the Boston Dynamics ones, were friendly, and some acted like dogs with people are actual dogs.

She watched the scene, chuckling to herself. 

"I see you're enjoying what relative freedom you have," another Android muttered, eating some food to extract the energy within. She nods and turns to him, her M8A1 tapping against her.

"These are the people who have created us, they trusted us to serve and protect them," she watches the kid start playing with their Thauma more now as the parents watched with pride. "I will be damned to the creator if I didn't serve them more."

"I do not see a flaw in your logic," complemented the other soldier, who went inside the M30 and started to do some work. He wanted to give the kids a tour inside these vehicles.

Which even to the mind of a machine, were quite advanced and futuristic.

She giggled, as she rested, watching the other Androids in the crowd or the military continuously talk with the others.

The Governor of Georgia was getting ready to celebrate the armed forces. 

To her mind, it was perfectly logical and fine.

She started to head over, after waving a friendly good bye to the kids.

She heads up to a tank commander, proudly looking over the vehicle that she commanded. The massive M5A2 Schwarzkopf. Armed to the teeth, armored against all possible threats. Near incredible integration with Thauma tech.

"How's it going..." she used her MID software to figure out who she was about to address, "Sergeant Bella?"

The sergeant turned around and gave the Android a nod, "Going good, private." She responded, looking at her, "What have you been up to?"

"I've been convers-" she stops, and shakes her head, "I've been talking with some of the kids, they are so much fun to talk with," she produced her fire again, "I even showed them my trick, and they already want to try and reproduce it for themselves."

"Well," the sergeant chuckled, "better they focus on those cool magic tricks that a android-American taught them than some junkie type shit you know?" she goes and pats the turret of the Schwarzkopf, something on the vehicle chirping like it's respond with a bark.

"I suppose so," she remarked, tilting her head, the helmet slightly rocking, exposing her LED light more and making the Sergeant chuckle.

"Don't worry about it."

The sergeant brought he Android atop the metal beast, which slowly turned its turret to greet a few kids that had come up and was asking the 2 al sorts of questions.

The Android of course began to show more fire tricks, while the tank commander began to answer any questions about the U.S. Military.

Which there was a bunch of. 

But at least the payment was pretty good for the defense budget.

The Android smiles, as she learns that another division was being trained in the classes she took. Empathy, Sympathy, and all sorts of things.

Guarantied and required as per the Android Rights Act of 2031.

Just a little bit of humanity for even machines once made to only serve.

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