Chapter 11 | Bird of War

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The Pentagon was alight tonight.

Operations in Mu were about to begin, finally having enough intelligence on what was going on.

Japan's NueroAI was about to have another break out and cause some issues. But there was a state in the area - Krastnaust - that was causing problems with logistics.

It was a rogue state, Washington always hated them because they always continually caused problems.

While in the past, Auntie Sam was willing to just ignore that state and had to go along an alternate route.

But considering the time restraint they had with the rogues coming, they needed a swift, and devastating take down of the state.

"What are our options?" Questioned a commander who was looking over a map. Another commander approached, his hands behind his back, ever so slightly hiding his red, silk gloves.

General Moore, the man of the space force, looked over and he hummed in thinking. While his JSF was great at handling things in the fashion they were desired, for operations that are to be subtle quick, they weren't exactly the best choice for quick operations to quickly and suddenly take down an enemy.

Strategic Bombing will take too long, and a traditional operation would not do.

They were getting restless. Everybody was. The Air Force and Space Force was itching to get their girls and boys on the ground ASAP. The Navy was trying to slow the NueroAI, but it was getting significantly harder to do so.

That is when the representative of the Navy-Marine Corps pushed an idea forward.

"How about the HECU?"

Everybody turned to the woman. They looked at her, contemplating her words.

"Deploy them?" Questioned the representative of the Army.

"Yes," she said, looking at the targets, "If we move in with a few special operations unit at a time when they have very little security forces active, the HECU can effectively go in, take down the government and their military, and then we can quickly have them set up Propaganda and messages. Once our Security bots are up, and we have things going smoothly, I don't think the citizens will expect a thing..."

Each of the representatives looked at each other, before the Air Force representative leaned in, "Who are you deploying?"

"2nd Company, 5th HECU Brigade," she turns to the other, arms crossed, "What Eagle unit are you deploying?"

"Delta Team, 1st ET Company," she responded quickly, showing off the fine ladies in their profile pictures. The men paid no attention to what they looked like, only their skill and what they can do.

Charlotte, Ember, Blake, Francesca, and Hanna.

"Good..." the Navy-Marine Corps representative responded as he turned to the others. "I will let them know,"she turns to the Air Force representative, "Get those girls on the next B-1C Lancer to Mu, their deployment must be rapid."

"Understood," and the representative starts heading off to call Fort Galland and Minna.

The Navy-Marine Corps representative looked at the other representatives who, now having a plan in play, began to call and deliver orders whether their tablets, their headsets, or their computers.

She gave a sigh, and starts heading out of the room, going to reach for a phone.

"Lieutenant Colonel Harry? Get your Marines ready for a rapid deployment."

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